the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history.
Historians deny this at the risk of their own credibility - even unbelievers do not deny it.
You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened.
unbelievers DO deny it, dipshit.
I'm going to fix it :
the holocaust is the most historically verifiable event of all human history.
Historians don't deny this at the risk of their own credibility.
You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened.
By this logic, you must believe in Krishna, because it was written that people saw him and knew him.
Don't believe everything you read in a religious book. Resurrection is a common trope among mythical figures, and it is often applied in retrospect in order to assign the divine onto a person perceived to be great.
You know what would be really evil? Hide lightwave's Bible, then say; "Ok, ressurrection is a verifiable event, i'll buy it... if you can show me your source."
Then sit back and enjoy the lulz as s/he/it goes ballistic trying to find the ol' King James.
For extra giggles, then produce a huge stack of as many history textbooks as you want and say; "Don't get in a tizzy. I'm sure it'll be mentioned in one of these...right?"
If someone believes in the resurrection, doesn't that make them a believer?
I find it hard to swallow that christ even existed, much less that he was god or that he died and came back.
Saying "hundreds of people witnessed it" because it says so in the bible is like saying that wizards and witches exist because it says so in harry potter.
Fiction doesn't create reality, no matter how much you want it to.
"the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history."
Apart from the fact that it has never appeared in any historical text in the history of the planet. But hey, fundies where never the kind to let facts get in the way of a story.
"Historians deny this at the risk of their own credibility - even unbelievers do not deny it."
I deny it. Gee, that wasn't very hard.
"You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened."
Actually, it's more like saying the Yeti won the 1983 superbowl, or that goblins steal my furniture every night and replace it all with exact replicas before I wake up.
"Actually, it's more like saying the Yeti won the 1983 superbowl, or that goblins steal my furniture every night and replace it all with exact replicas before I wake up. "
That would be f*cking awesome! I want goblins to do that! Where do I sign up? XD
As far as I'm concerned, and according to a religious text which was written by people who never witnessed it themselves, we know for sure only 13 people who witnessed it, and none of them wrote anything. If we some up some other unidentified disciples who saw it, no more than twenty. Come on, not even religious believers are that stupid as to believe that that is considered "history"(or the "most verifiable document", verifiable by whom?). It's a matter of faith. That's why you should start looking at yourself.
Yeah, I can make up shit, too, and claim the shit I made up is "the most historically verifiable event of all human history."
But that would just be stupid.
"You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened."
Ahh so that must mean there is film footage of ressurection just liek the moon landing and World War 2, right?
"the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history."
Mentioned only in the new testament, written by people who weren't there, never met jesus and were writing 40 years after the resurrection was supposed to have occurred, that is so much more verifiable than WWII.
WWII has endless amounts of evidence-first hand witnesses, physical evidence, photographic evidence, and even video footage, among many, many, other things. The Moon landing was on TV, live, and has numerous other pieces of evidence-photographs, witnesses, and if I recall right, rocks were brought back, too.
The resurrection was mentioned in a single book, and all other evidence of a cite of the same book! There is no independent evidence. None! None at all! Oh, shocking.
Except for "You can say it never happened, fine," that entire post is a lie.
Wasn't there something in some book about bearing false witness?
"most historically verifiable event of all human history"
The resurrection never happened.
The resurrection never happened.
The resurrection never happened.
(etc., etc.)
If you'd just step outside your cozy little circle for a moment, you'd see that your Bible is a steaming pile of
[citation needed]
I am an unbeliever and I do deny it.
Man landed on the moon (although some don't believe that) and WWII happened because I know people who were actually there and have photographs to prove it.
Do you have photographs of the resurrection? Do you have eye witnesses? What evidence do you have?
Put up or STFU!
Corrected> the resurrection is the most famous mythological event of all of the bible.
Historians deny this because it has long been believed to be a legend of the bible - even believers deny it.
You can say it happened, fine. But you'd be branded as a moron.
"the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history."
Wow, that is quite a claim and one of the funniest things I've seen on here in a long time. I just finished a delicious piece of beef jerky. For me, that is currently the most historically verifiable event in all human history.
"even unbelievers do not deny it. "
Ummm, I think that is exactly what makes them unbelievers, Sparky. If they didn't deny it, they wouldn't be unbelievers, would they.
Historically verifiable? From one book I know of.
Have any other? That doesn't refer to this book, that is?
Hmmm. Thought so.
I also wanted to point out that the resurrection is a typical metaphor used in storytelling, death and rebirth, some of you might've heard of it. The whole idea is that the old self dies, metaphorically speaking, and a new self is reborn. It's used in movies all the time, just think of Matrix when Neo gets shot and awakens as the One.
My point being, lightwave is taking a story way too serious. You're only a little different than Trekkers. At least the Trekkies don't try to convert us or teach it in schools.
Mike: Except we have proof of landing on the Moon and WWII from multiple sources. What do you have? A single source full of contradictions.
Well, there is one definite source-the Bible-that is quoted by many other people and is then used to justify the "multiple sources." For example, Josephus, a renound Jewish historian of the 1st century AD wrote about "Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man...He was [the] Christ"-the earliest copy of which we have from the 9th century, a gap of 800 years-which is traditionally used by Christian apologists to proclaim the truth of Jesus. However, modern scholarship has suggested this is a later interpolation into the text, if not an outright forgery.
Well, there is absolutely no evidence for a Holocaust, nor for a historical Jesus (other than some Christian forgeries; though some references by Ancient Romans to the "abominable superstition," meaning "evil cult" of Christianity do exist).
The statement would make more sense if it referred to a Christian crime such as the Holocaust (which was committed by fanatical Christians who believed, as the Bible says, that Jews are the "Christ-killers") or to the period when Christianity took over Europe that is known as the Dark Ages (though, there is widespread Dark Ages denial in history these days as many Christian revisionist historians want everybody to forget about when Christianity declared war on learning the first time).
Sure, sure. Well, except for the part that we have video evidence, eye witness accounts, countless texts including letters, articles, and books, as well as undeniable effects of the moon landing and WWII available and observable right here in reality. While there is a book that says Jesus rose from the dead and a slew of observable effects reading that has had on society, there is no historical merit to the claim.
But there are people who deny the moon landing, and WW2 ("dem Joos! Dey faked it all!" *banjo riff from Deliverance plays*)
And those people are tiger-tickling insane for denying something that we have mountains of evidence actually happened.
Number of books proving moon landing and Second World War? No idea, but I imagine it's a lot!
Number of books proving the resurrection?
None. Just because it's in the bible does not constitute proof.
"the resurrection is the most historically verifiable event of all human history."
"Historians deny this at the risk of their own credibility - even unbelievers do not deny it."
I'm an Atheist 'unbeliever' and I deny the 'Resurrection' never happened, and I claim my £10 prize.
"You can say it never happened, fine. It would be like saying we never landed on the Moon, or that WWII never happened."
PROTIP: There's unimaginable shitloads of evidence for WWII (an uncle of mine was amongst the Allied troops who liberated Bergen-Belsen, and he has the artifacts to prove it) - and just ask the astronauts of Apollo 11-17 missions.
I love the smell of destroyed arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
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