Neo...I'm going to do you a kindness this once and play it absolutely straight with you: Christianity on the continent of Africa is not some great monolith.
In fact no religion, or philosophy, anywhere is simple. Facile "understanding" of other human beings is one if those things that is bringing us to disaster and ruin in *all* of us are in trouble right now and if you want to leave a functioning world to your kids you'll start growing up yesterday.
Christianity has old roots in Africa and, as with elsewhere, it became entangles with preexisting cultural beliefs.
Right now, Islam is overtaking Africanised Christianity but I have little doubt Muslim adherets will still honour the ways of their ancestors just as Christian animists do.
I'm not going to stick a bunch of academic links here because you'd likely find them tedious and so you won't read enough of them to get the broad overview you need. Instead, This Wikipedia page is as good a place as any to start looking more deeply at the subject. And don't just skip through the boring bits; please read not only the whole article but follow some of the links as well. Please. I am serious and I am asking you, even though I know you're still going to keep trolling for the lulz, to actually look into this matter. I don't give a damn if you keep trolling for fun or not, but please make sure you are NEVER doing out of ignorance. I don't expect you to change your behaviour here since we reward you for it...but, if you aren't doing so already, start devoting a part of each and every day to the discipline of studying things that interest you as well as studying things - groups, ideas, peoples - you hate. The latter suggestion is even more important than the former.
How many books a month do you read? (It doesn't matter if they're fiction, non-fiction, car manuals, etc.) If you don't own at least a dozen books of substance - and books are easy to find cheap or even free while still in good condition, thanks in part to the Information Age - then shame on you and start hauling ass in search of something to read.
If you end up drawing the same conclusion as the one memorialised above, then you will at least have some information to back it up.
The time for childishness is about to come to a rather abrupt and ugly end for all of us, everywhere. If you want to survive, you'll need to start using your noodle.
You're not stupid, Neo, so stop acting the part.