Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Illuminati Predictive Programming a TOTAL MIND FUCK - HALO, PROMETHEUS, AVATAR

I've read the books, played the games, seen the series and bought the t-shirts. I am telling all

who will listen that we HUMANITY is being played like a fiddle. We are being led like lambs to the slaughter and gullible followers to the chapel.

Has anyone ever noticed that in all these above mentioned titles, a theme of predictably and symbology has occurred. Whoever has watched the films Avatar and Prometheus and played the games

Halo will see that not only does humanity seem to exist to follow the same developments, humanity also develops technology at the same pace to.

Halo looks at humanity battle to survive against the covenant until HALO 4 when we are the reclaimer of a lost civilization of an advanced long forgotten race.

Prometheus discovers ancient paintings and languages that Humanity is indeed an engineered race and learns that these god like people created us and now want to destroy humanity.

Avatar is about how humans in the technological age have become an almost empty null and void species with no roots to spiritual and natural ideas and use engineered robots to infiltrate another culture to steal what they have.

In all these movies the same kind of philosophies, ideologies, technology, time scale and cultural ethics are brought together. Almost like some crossover advert or tv series. Man has becomes hell bent on mining other planets for resources and enters into a war like mindset to obtain them.

I am aware that mankind has become very advanced in technology and computers, nanotechnology is only just around the corner. Yet our travel like technology is still the same, combustible engines and rockets are considered thee most likely means of space travel.

I see in these games and movies an illuminati mind fuck like that which was launched against people in hollywood for 9/11. People need to research that concept and you will see how we the people were pawns of predictive programming for that.

Like the future is now of total dominance, surveillance and Draconian lifestyle and law. If you ever read Orwell's 1984 or Huxely's Brave New World which were released and published world wide years before it happened, by the very same Illuminati who wanted people to become accustomed to that way of life, so that we would passively accept enslavement.

I see that humanity is having that same mind fuck again. With games like Halo and movies like Prometheus and Avatar showing how the future human race will become mindless warlike people, fighting in the universe for resources that belong to other intelligent cultures or civilizations.

It is not bullshit, there is truth in this. Star Trek used the ideas of wireless communicator in the palm of your hands and energy weaponry (phasers) instead of guns. Today that is the very norm and accepted by the vast majority of people, and why? because of mass psychological brainwashing campaigns like these conditioned people to think just so.

Remember that social engineering is an art form that takes and requires a vast and understanding of human behaviour. Not to mention foreseeing future lifestyles and I believe we are seeing that in these very popular and widely sold items.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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