Darth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Flouridated water is the "Nagalase of the MInd"

So the world is waking up to the special interests who are killing all these holistic doctors because they are exposing how Nagalase is intentionally added to vaccines to cause cancer, autism, parkinsons, etc etc.

[link to www.naturalnews.com]

and we all know how Flouride was used in Hitler and Stalin concentration camps' drinking water to sedate the prisoners and "quell rebellion".

Prozac and such drugs and rat poison both contain Flouride.

So, is the flouride they put in drinking water not the Nagalase of the brain, of the MIND, that has been what is making americans stOOpid as FUCk lately?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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