Another thing that scientists are now questioning is whether or not the earth revolves around the sun! They admit it's just another theory because motion is relative to other motion. So another thing that's for sure is; none of you knows whether the earth revolves around the sun. [laughing smiley]
"Another thing that scientists are now questioning is whether or not the earth revolves around the sun!"
No. No reasonable, rational scientist questions the fact that the earth orbits the sun. You obviously have scientists confused with stupid Fundie dinkwads.
"They admit it's just another theory because motion is relative to other motion."
That the earth orbits the sun is observable and repeated observations continue to show that.
"So another thing that's for sure is; none of you knows whether the earth revolves around the sun."
I do, I do! Plus, I know that you're an idiot.
But, but ... My parents taught me that as the explanation for the seasons from the time I was a tiny tot, and my teachers in pre-school, kindergarten, and the early primary grades reinforced the lesson. Now, Carico, with her infinite wisdom has exposed them all as liars. At last, I've seen the light!
Carico, in which alternative universe do you live?, scientists are not questioning the movements of the Earth, AT ALL.
Hey carico, if there is a God he's gonna get you for all this violating #9 commandment! Are the people on CARM so isolated from reality that they never ask for a cite, or are they secrectly like us, laughing at this constant stream of obviously made-up drivel?
Leave it to Carico to latch onto any hairball idea some loony comes up with. Sure, you can place the earth at point (0,0,0) and mathematically describe the motion of everything else relative to it, just as you can pretend your car is stopped and the road is moving under it. But you can't describe the earth as fixed and still have the law of gravity apply.
Tiny Bulcher: "She's a troll, and she's trying to get FSTDT-ed. Stop giving her the satisfaction."
You have to admit she's good. I reached that same conclusion quite some postes ago, but I still think she deserves to be here. It has to be really dificult to think in a better stupidity with Carico's record.
Yeah, I am now convinced that Carico is by far the best troll I've witnessed. Hats off, because damn she's good.
I think she's just pushed the envelope a little too far recently which is why I've realised what's going on.
But giggity-giggity, 10/10 for effort!
I suspected Carico before finishing. You are relative to me. When I move North, you, relatively, move South. My word you are dumb.
By all means, do tell us which prominent astrophysicists and astronomers speculate that the sun revolves around the earth.
Munchausen Syndrome much?
Heliocentrism was accepted because it eliminated the need for epicycles to explain planetary motion, and Kepler sat down, did the math, and proved it. To go back to geocentrism would require a lot of 'splainin, especially because modern cosmology does not recognize the concept of a "center of the universe" to begin with. So there we go.
Actually, if you want to get really technical, the earth doesn't revolve around the sun, or vice versa. They both just revolve around a common center. However, the center point is deep within the sun, so, in effect, the earth orbits the sun.
WTF?!?!?! How can you say....
Oh, it's Carico, never mind.
Move along, nothing to see here.
"Motion is relative to other motion."
Okay, let's say you're whirling a yo-yo around your head. Right? Got that image? The yo-yo is going around your head.
Now, let's say you're doing that from the roof of a moving train. Got it? So, now the yo-yo's going around your head while you stand on the roof of a train.
Now don't forget the train is on Earth, which is rotating around its axis.
And Earth is also orbiting the sun.
And the sun, as part of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way, is orbiting galactic central point, and the galaxy is moving away from its origin point...
Now, what, overall, is your yo-yo doing?
Hopefully, strangling you.
While it is true that all motion is relative, to propose that the Earth does not revolve around the sun is downright insane. Where, praytell, did you hear these so-called 'scientists'?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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