It's the defective black pathology that fuels the violence that is endemic and part of black culture.
Being "disrespected" calls for immediate action, by fists, knife or gun. Everywhere blacks congregate, there is violence.
In Florida, "young master trayvon" felt that he was disrespected by neighborhood watchman Mr. Zimmerman for asking about his "business" being in that neighborhood. Any ordinary (non-black) person would have explained that he had relatives in the neighborhood and would have been on his way, but not "young master trayvon". In order to regain his "respect" "young master trayvon" was "forced" (by his defective black pathology) to jump Mr. Zimmerman and attempt to murder him.
In a related note, it is no surprise that many towns and cities "close up shop" when black college students "celebrate" their "spring break" week. It is just not worth it to cater to this naturally violent segment of American "society". It is far better to "go on vacation" than to deal with the unruly and violent black hordes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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