David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
You cannot listen to Hawaiian radio, nor visit anywhere in Hawaii, where King Kamehameha is not idolized. Literally, the Hawaiians have turned their last dead king into a god that they worship. All you hear about in their music is about their dead king who died in a California hospital.
King Kamehameha is sadly burning in Hell, because he died in his sins without Jesus Christ. The Hawaiians are infamous for worshipping volcanoes, the earth, rocks and the ocean. This is a road to Hell. The islands have always been plagued with willful ignorance and evil, homosexuality and feminism, where the inhabitants desire only to indulge in drunkenness and wickedness.
Sadly, most Hawaiians will go to Hell because they are arrogant. The Hawaiians are a sinfully proud culture and unmovable. They love their heathen dead king; while rejecting the King of kings, Jesus Christ. I am not hateful toward anyone, and not toward Hawaiians either. It's the other way around. Christians are hated in Hawaii. If you ever visit Hawaii, you will be told repeatedly by your tourist guides about the missionaries who forbade hula dancing and forced the Hawaiians to become Christians, and you will sense the contempt and hatred they have for Christians.
It is tragic that amongst all the beautiful music and nature in Hawaii that they would choose to worship a dead man, instead of worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ! I love people, all people. God is no respecter of persons and neither am I. But I call things as I see them. I see Hawaiians as arrogant, stubborn and sinfully proud; just as are many other cultures. Certainly, there are some born-again Hawaiians, and I thank God for both of them. The rest are going to burn in Hell. If that offends you, then it's only because you do not believe in a literal Hell that burns with fire and brimstone, where the wicked will be tormented day-and-night for all eternity (Revelation 20:15; 21:8). Amen and amen!