> It was like Jesus was saying, render nothing to Caesar, because nothing belongs to Caesar.
Disciples: "Okay, Jesus, should we pay taxes?"
Jesus: "To whom do all of your thoughts and faith belong to?"
Disciples: "To us?"
Jesus: "Right. Because you can't even give them to anyone. Now, what about your earthly possessions, like the money?"
Disciples: "It belongs to us, too?"
Jesus: "Didn't I, quite plainly, tell you to get rid of excess wealth? Okay, look... whose picture is in the coins, anyway?"
Disciples: "The... Emperor's picture?"
Jesus: "Which meannnnnns...?"
Disciples: "...it belongs to us?"
Jesus: *sigh* "And what makes you think that?"
Disciples: "B... because nothing belongs to the Emperor?"
Jesus: "Nothing belongs to the Emperor? Dude, that guy's goons are going to crucify me one day. He can do stuff like that because he's the Emperor. People have been slaughtered for smaller crimes than not paying taxes. So if they kindly ask a small part of your income to support public order, I suggest being a good citizen."
Matthew: "Um... sir, can I summarise this conversation? Perhaps leave a few disgraceful details away, and..."