Allyn Howell #racist
I understand why you'd think I meant that in a negative way. I'm grateful I'm not triracial because I like simplicity. Tri racialism and beyond is too complex. I went slightly into it before and after that comment. I can't go into detail about everyone of my personal opinions on a comment haha. I, specifically, like many people around the world, love my identity because they are my roots. They are who I am and where I come from. They are what I see and what I live. We as humans yearn to know where we come from and wish to connect to our roots. Having too many roots, I believe, makes people feel like they don't belong to either. One and two is pretty simple. I'm significantly one group. I have a significant amount of another group but it's not significant to me for previously said reasons. When you're tri racial and beyond your roots become so expanded that your identity becomes a blur. That's why I assumed they call themselves just mixed. Because it's a blur many people call themselves by their country's origin. But like I mentioned earlier, in my family, and many others in Mexico specifically, many call themselves Indios in everyday life. When they do something right or wrong it's just a normal thing. They acknowledge to a significant degree who they are and where they come from. I know Guatemalans do this too. I'm sure there are people in Puerto Rico or Brazil who are obviously more African(with some NA and European mixture nonetheless) who perhaps say they're black for simplicity sakes. For those who are significantly of one thing they emphasize it. This specific opinion of mine is clearly way more subjective than my others so don't take me too literal ??. Awesome talking to you again by the way my dude. I've seen your female's results. Nice ????. She should try testing her parents.?MGTOW Lion you're living in a fantasy you better not try that in the real world. I got as much right here as you do what are you talking about? You're living in the past like a fool you can't move forward you're stuck in limbo. You're trying to hold on to something that's been gone for 300 years. My family has been here since before it was America I am a Native American!?^