If Evo is true, why don't Evolutionist children automatically believe it? Will they?
Good point. It's not as if Christian children need to be indoctrinated to say prayers, go to church, read bible stories and be assholes.
It just happens that they do get that indoctrination because their parents are assholes.
ROFL. I like to think of there being two camps of creationist arguments. The first consists of those that are somewhat sophisticated; for example, the one holding that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. The second consists of the banana fallacy, the peanut butter argument, the "how come we can't speak monkey" argument, the "how come there are still monkeys" argument, and this. In other words, those that are not so sophisticated.
If mixing yellow paint with blue paint really gives you green paint, why don't children automatically understand how colour perception works in humans?
If you really exist, Gottservant, why doesn't my two-year-old nephew know about you?
Why doesn't my grandmother know about you either?
It's a *~mystery~*
It's interesting that we don't use labels such as "republican children" or "democratic children" or "liberal children" because these are things that we (typically) leave up to each individual to decide as they get older.
It's interesting that we do use labels such as "christian children" or "jewish children" or "islamic children" or "evolutionist children". In what way are young children more prepared to understand the implications of religion or science any more than if it were politics? We're apparently content to leave the political decision up to them as they get older, but you're damn sure we're going to indoctrinate them in religion from the day they're born, burning into them the "ours is the correct one, everyone else is going to hell" attitude.
I wonder why that is. And it's no surprise that they end up growing up with such intolerance for those of other beliefs.
Children don't automatically believe Evolution because it isn't true. It is a lie invented by the Catholic Marxist Charles Darwin and used by our Liberal Elites to brainwash children into accepting the socialist dogma of moral relativism. For our children are fought to reject God and to reject True Christianity, and thus become prey to Satan's corrupting influence. Simply put, evolution is one of the most insidious tools in the Devil's arsenal.
"our children are fought to reject God and to reject True Christianity, and thus become prey to Satan's corrupting influence. Simply put, evolution is one of the most insidious tools in the Devil's arsenal."
The people who keep making claims like this are similar to person B here:
A: "You'll need an operating system for the computer!"
B: "No, I won't!"
A: "Umm, yes you will; a computer won't work without an operating system!"
B: "But I've already passed my operating systems exam! I'm studying simulation theory now! I don't need any operating system!!"
A: "It doesn't matter what you're studying! A computer NEEDS an operating system to work!!!"
B: "(really irate) Why would I need an operating system when I ALREADY PASSED THE EXAM????? I TOLD you, now I'm studying SIMULATION THEORY!! Not operating systems!!!!"
Actually, we kinda do believe it automatically. I didn't even know that there were people seriously questioning it until I came to this site.
When I say "believe it automatically", I mean like we believe that 1+2 equals 3, that Tirana is the capital of Albania and that arachnids have eight legs.
Okay, I'll admit that when I was a kid, I had a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that birds had evolved from certain carnivorous dinosaurs, if only because I knew that dinosaurs were cold-blooded reptiles and birds were, well, warm-blooded birds, and I didn't see how the one could become the other, because my knowledge of biology/zoology was pretty simple. I mean, my knowledge of science in general is still very cursory, but now I've come to accept the seemingly fantastic fact that chickens are distantly related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex. I never had trouble accepting the fact that modern-day reptiles are distantly related to dinosaurs, even though I grew up going to church and being taught about Biblical stories during the Sunday School period. I did have trouble reconciling the Biblical stories of Genesis with the existence of dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts (not to mention those hairy prehistoric humans that look nothing like how Adam and Eve are pictured in the books), but my mother, a deeply religious but moderately liberal woman with a degree in biology, never really expected me to see these Bible stories as much more than parables, I think. There are, however, many in her family who do not agree, largely because they don't have her understanding of science, specifically biology. My father is not a scientist, but he stopped believing in God a long time ago. Eventually, I was allowed to make the decision not to go to church anymore, because I could no longer believe... although, when Christmas rolls around, I still sort of want to believe, even though I really can't.
My point is that children will believe whatever they're taught, but it's better if they get the chance to think for themselves and broaden their minds so they can get a better understanding of how the world works.
Children don't automatically believe religions either. They're coerced into doing so under penalty of physical pain, or sometimes abandonment and death. If I were religious and trying to prove myself human, then I'd avoid making this argument at all.
If creationism is true then why are you fundies trying to force it into the schools?
By your logic, children should already believe "Goddidit" without you having to indoctrinate them.
Because children are a near-blank state. They need to learn everything, walking, talking and getting dressed to name a few, there is no inherent knowledge beyond the instincts.
Here's something young children can do though, invent imaginary friends without adopting others imaginary friends.
Why don't children come out of the womb with the ability to talk? They have to learn, you idiot.
Will they believe it? As long as we keep idiots from trying to force creationism into the classrooms, they will.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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