""separation of church and state," wherever that term originated, means freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion."
It originated with a guy named Jefferson. Perhaps you've heard of him?
And it does, indeed, mean freedom from religion as the Supreme Court has pointed out at least once, if I recall correctly.
"You know, like Leftists support the right of radical homicidal Muslims and eco-terrorists to practice their faith?"
Uh, ok. If you say so.
"American Christians and Jews, by virtue of BEING American, deserve and are entitled that same right. Without harassment or interference."
So, you're saying you want to commit mass murder and cause mayhem?
"It's uh, a big part of what the Founders of America wanted: freedom to practice whatever religion you wanted, or to practice no religion."
I hate to point this out but you just said that freedom of religion doesn't give you freedom from religion and now you're saying that it actually does mean that.
This is your argument. The least you could do is pay attention to it.
"Not having an official state-sanctioned religion like Britain does (the Anglican church) was a main reason why we broke away from them over 200 years ago."
No, it wasn't the "main reason" at all. It was a reason, but not one of the major ones.
"I dunno why Liberals still can't grasp that concept."
Because it keeps coming from lunatics such as yourself and without my special "Lunatic Language Decoder Ring" I can't quite make out what the holy fuck you're getting at half the time.