onemorequestion #fundie
What political party dropped a nuclear bomb on the civiliam population of their enemy?
Which ideology introduced the killing of of hundreds of millions of unborn human beings for convenience sake?
Liberalsim has introduced every STD and drug plague that has ever harmed mankind. Liberals seem very much at ease with socialism and communism, which both limit freedoms of individuals in every place they are employed, and/or, kill off people in numbers that stagger the mind.
Conservativism is an ideology that has limits to what totalitarianism can do and conservatives have shown throughout history that they are willing to die for the freedoms of others. Liberalsim embraces an odd mixture of totalitarianism and unbridled excess full fold, which history has proven is thedeadliest form of implemented ideologies of all time.
Now, which is the most dangerous form of belief system?
When compared to stacked up dead bodies . . . how is liberalism not the most harmful belief system in history?