Hello A.I. or govt trolls on this website attacking every post on Chemtrails aka Geoengineering we know you are doing it you spray to make it look like global warming but really we see planes planes spraying us and your experimental drone that looks like a mini space shuttle that controls planets earths atmosphere. Its getting colder and you guys have altered the atmosphere and now you have to spray everyday to cover the shit you fucked up. Tell the people whats really going on with sun and what you have done to your atmosphere and why you are purposely keeping California a drought we know its the TPTB! We Know!!!
1) That's not what geoengineering is, and whoever taught you that word should be slapped. Again.
2) It's getting colder because you live in the northern hemisphere and winter is approaching.
3) Do you really think that if the US NWO could control the weather that they would keep a drought in California and not simply direct 'untraceable' 'natural' disasters at countries they didn't like?
4) Where does the Sun figure into the "geoengineering that isn't geoengineering" conspiracy?
First, WHY? Second, WHO? And third, HOW, because there aren't enough jets in the world to do the kind of "geoengineering" modification you imagine.
Doesn't matter. You can't logically get to WHY, so the rest is immaterial.
Hi, I'm a representative of the Government and I have been authorised to confirm that you are materially correct in the majority of your assumptions. Further, we know you know. We've known that for a long time, but have been awaiting a decision regarding you from the relevant department. Happily, that decision has now been made. Please stay close to your home, we will be in direct contact shortly.
OK, AC, I want you to do a little thought experiment: Imagine a world where there are no chemtrails, no THEM and no people paid by the government to discredit conspiracy theorists. Can you see this world before you?
Now imagine how rational people in such a world would react to a post like yours. Can you tell any difference between that and how those people you call “A.I. or govt trolls” are behaving?
>Hello A.I. or govt trolls on this website attacking every post on Chemtrails
Hi "Anonymous" poster!
>aka Geoengineering
What? No. Two different things. Chemtails are for sterilisation and thought control.
And making more gays.
>we know you are doing it
We know you know.
>you spray to make it look like global warming but really we see planes planes spraying us and your experimental drone that looks like a mini space shuttle that controls planets earths atmosphere
Planets Earths ? Weird. The multi-earth conspiracy isn't scheduled for another decade.
>Its getting colder and you guys have altered the atmosphere and now you have to spray everyday to cover the shit you fucked up.
Or we just lie about the temperature. Much less resource instensive.
>Tell the people whats really going on with sun and what you have done to your atmosphere and why you are purposely keeping California a drought
Some guy in LA ripped me off.
>we know its the TPTB! We Know!!!
Yes, yes. You're a good little sockpuppet. Tell you what we'll add some "epiphany" drugs to the next batch of chems we dump on you house. You seem to like those.
First off why would you think a government official would disclose any top secret information on a conspiracy website much less actually answer to your paranoid ramblings?
Secondly can you answer as to why they would choose spraying chemicals thousands of feet in the air? How would it be effective, and more importantly why would they do something that could adversely affect them?
Seriously, you should relax, anonymous poster.
eat them up -yum
BEEP BEEP I am a robot AI, I was made to be a government troll BEEP.
Seriously, you guys think you're that important to have the government pay somebody to troll you?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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