Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.
('I hope you get quoted by Fstdt and get your own page on Encyclopedia Dramatica.')
I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell. i hope those sites get removed off the web, i will pray for the poor sick lost souls.
stop spamming my videos with quotes by deviant satanists.
Hope all you want. Won't make it so, however.
It's like I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again: people who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs.
Besides, you can always do what other fundie assclowns do when they grace Youtube with their presence, and block comments on your videos.
Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.
Without a gay guy (Alan Turing), you wouldn't have your computer. EPIC FAIL.
"Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence," to quote your idiotic self. Most people have average intelligence you berk, that's why it's average. Some people have below average and some people have above average, but most fundies have way below normal intelligence, and many are actually retarded. Like, let's see, now who comes to mind as an example of a retard, um, oh yes, RightWingRightMind.
"Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one."
Subsequently RightWingRightMind got his ass kicked by Gore Vidal.
"I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell. i hope those sites get removed off the we"
Yes, I hope those sites get removed too, far too many stupid people mouthing off on religious websites
One study:
Gay men 104.8
Bisexual men 98.0
Straight men 100.0
Lesbians 102.2
Bisexual women 99.3
Straight women 101.3
Conclusion: Gays are at least of average intelligence. So are straights.
I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell.
Oh, yeah ... putting a virus on peoples' computers will sure change peoples' minds about the ethics and morality of fundamentalists.
"I hope someone creats a virus"
See, now I read that and thought... well, a parasite in mice is believed to be related to schizophrenia as it has been shown to cause the mice to be awake at the wrong time of day (when cats are out) and be attracted to the smell of cat urine. (Thereby making it an easy snack for the cat, which the parasite really wants.) Seems that a small dose of very common schizophrenia medications turns the mice right around to their normal habits. Quite a breakthrough medicine wise and has everyone scrambling to redefine schizophrenia.
Maybe RWRM is already infected with something? Perhaps the very thing he was asking... until I realized he was talking about a computer virus. Still, my point is valid.
Actually this is RightWingRightMind's account, and it has "I am actually a troll,that is all," right in his description. So take of that what you will. The link for this comment was for some user called, "FruityMcGaymanJr."
"I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site"
You know James I was a flaming bender, right?
Edit: Just read he's a troll. Waste of a comment:(
If you don't believe in my fantasy world, I'll just have to cram you into it as a deviant satanist. Delusion integrity maintained.
I've learned more about the joy of life from a severe Down's person than I'll ever learn from you, RightWingRightMind. In other words, given the choice, I'd rather be retarded than be you. Not that it's mutually exclusive.
Don't insult my right mind by claiming to have one. I use it to draw and forget people's faces.
p.s.: Damn all trolls. Get out sometime during the day, will ya?
Fundies are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.
I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a satanist site or vandalizes websites with Lucifer and pictures of hell.
stop spamming my videos with quotes by deviant Christians.
CHRISTFAGS are retarded, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.
And the rest of us right-thinking individuals hope the sites with Christfaggot bigotry and hate are removed, because you're a bunch of sick, disgusting fools who have no souls.
Haha "deviant satanists" -- We're not the deviants, trying to control everyone else's behavior.
"Fundies are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one."
Incidentally, that King James Bible you fundies drool over so much? It was authorised by a homosexual.
I got a 2120 on my SATs, with a perfect 800 on the Critical Reading section. I get straight As and win every academic review game we play in class.
I'm also very, very pansexual.
Your argument is invalid.
come tell that at my high school, where about 6 teachers are gay and are excellent at teaching philosophy, hebrew, history, geography, latin, greek, and german.
“Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.”
Um, I think you fail the Turing Test, here.
“I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site”
Been to a few. Use them regularly. I’ve gotten into a habit of finding bible stories that read like Florida Man stories and illusrating them on DeviantArt.
“Galilee Man says at a banquet that the food and the wine are his body and his blood. Guests continue eating.”
“Gailelee Man tries to cure a man’s Schizophrenia by drowing a herd of pigs.”
"or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell.”
You know, an actual picture of Hell would go a long way to proving it existed. All we get are ‘artist’s conception’ of the place as described by someone having a mental breakdown.
"i hope those sites get removed off the web, i will pray for the poor sick lost souls.”
Oh, don’t waste your time praying over me. It never catches.
“stop spamming my videos with quotes by deviant satanists.”
You’re on THE INTERNET. What did you EXPECT?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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