The Asylum is an American film studio and distributor which focuses on producing low-budget, usually direct-to-video productions. Their movies are sold widely at all K-Marts and every other large retailer. Every movie that The Asylum produces is saturated with hints of pedophilia, nudity, promiscuity, and every form of smut and filth imaginable.
In their 2009 movie, MEGAFAULT, a father is shown carrying his young daughter with her skirt lifted all the way up in front of him. He is carrying her in such a manner that it is clearly hinting to pedophilia. My pastor used to say: “Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind! No, I have a man's mind.” That is the truth of the matter. It is not a matter of a man having a dirty mind. One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of incest or pedophilia planted into their mind by demonic movies intended to do so. No wonder American society today is plagued with incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality.
MEGAFAULT is about a massive earthquake hitting America. The sicko-perverts in Hollywood know that decent people who would never watch a porno-flick will watch other movies considered appropriate. The film is even rated PG-13, but the subtle hints of pedophilia are unmistakable. The jerks making today's movies are homosexuals and pedophiles!!!
++"Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind! No, I have a man's mind.”
Let's ignore for a moment the fact that he apparently answered his own accusation on your behalf. You really gotta cut the "all men think like me" shit. If that were the case you wouldn't have any need to preach to the rest of us.
That is the truth of the matter. It is not a matter of a man having a dirty mind. One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of incest or pedophilia planted into their mind by demonic movies intended to do so."
Davie, Davie, Davie. It doesn't count when you were the one filming and starring in those incestuous and pedophilic movies.
EDIT: How the hell did that "I" get in there?
It is not a matter of a man having a dirty mind. One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of incest or pedophilia planted into their mind by demonic movies intended to do so. No wonder American society today is plagued with incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality.
Just like you told the judge.
No Davey, that's just you projecting your own sick and depraved lust onto the characters on screen, to justify them.
And Asylum isn't really part of the Hollywood system.
"a father is shown carrying his young daughter with her skirt lifted all the way up in front of him. He is carrying her in such a manner that it is clearly hinting to pedophilia."
And you had to watch that clip thousands of times to make sure you understood the depths of depravity in that scene.
Boy Stewie you have a dirty mind.
But congratulations on referencing a movie less than 10 years old.
WOW David J Steward knows of Asylum pictures. I guess I have to stop calling him out of date and old fashioned. This is some obscure knowledge. Asylum are the lowest of the low, known to make movies with similar names and concepts to big budget movies to trick people into watching their films instead.
I actually don't disagree with David Here. Asylum knows their films are crap and will try to target the lowest denominator possible to get people to watch. Since they managed to grab a known pedophile like Davie here they succeeded.
It's OK, Davey, not everyone is as into little girls as you are.
a father is shown carrying his young daughter with her skirt lifted all the way up in front of him.
Only David J. Kidfucker could watch this scene and think about sex. He's projecting more than a drive-in IMAX.
One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of incest or pedophilia planted into their mind by demonic movies
Uh, yeah one does, especially in a scene with a little girl which has absolutely nothing to do with sex. Here's a tip, Davey: Nobody's watching that scene and thinking about having sex with that little girl except you.
If Davey ever comes out of the closet and admits his pedophilia, reading his quotes won't be nearly as much fun.
When pedophilia, and other such "sicko filth," occurred prior to the invention of the television it must have been due to time travelling Hollywood executives that spread their intended messages subliminally across the general population.
I really don't understand how David cannot see the planet - sized irony here. Especially since he even lampshades it himself.
David, only a sick pervert like you would see a close, heartwarming moment between parent and child as incest and pedophilia. Saying you have a dirty mind is a massive understatement.
Let me make it very clear: just because you are a sick and depraved pedo does not mean everybody else is!!
My pastor used to say: “Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind! No, I have a man's mind.”
First, the pastor was right and, last, all men are not perverts.
I'm pretty sure "direct-to-video" means Hollywood doesn't have shit to do with it.
And, again, nobody else is getting the same messages you are from these films. Just because you are an impressionable idiot and a pedophile who bluntly refuses to admit to it or accept that what he did was wrong, does not mean that those labels apply to every other man in the world.
Why are you watching this movie to begin with? It's not even famous or a blockbuster like a lot of the other films you screen about, the only thing noteworthy about it is The Asylum made it.
But anyway, is there a fucking child porn ring or some other sort of pedophile gang in Guam that David gets movie recommendations from? Like does he show up to meetings and ask the other creepy bastards there what movies they've been watching that made them think of child molestation lately? Do they discuss movies they've seen in the pass, making extra sure to highlight these alleged pedoservice moments (or as David J. phrases it, the parts where Hollywood subconsciously plants demonic thoughts in their heads).
"Every movie that The Asylum produces is saturated with hints of pedophilia, nudity, promiscuity, and every form of smut and filth imaginable."
So: Two thumbs up from Dave, then again Dave thinks 70s TV is evil and full of smut so: Nevermind
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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