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NWO methods: Divide, Distract, Dumb Down -
Trayvon Martin, Shot in self defense after assaulting a Hispanic
Michael Brown, Who knows where the blame lies
Barack Obama , Divides people on Race all the time, Makes Law Breakers including himself into a protected class of people.
ALL NWO/CIA Psy-Ops to Divide and Distract
Obama / Biden seek to use the unrest and riots to bring in the United Nations with the Dec 24th 2014 roll out of the Weapons ban, the U.S. Law and Constitution mean nothing to Obama/Biden and therefore just like "Obama Care" and the Amnesty granted by him to Illegals, Gun Confiscation and Foreign U.N. Troops can not be ruled out by these Traitors.
Obama Bombed Libya and has supported Terrorist (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq, before pretending to oppose them in Iraq and ordering them Bombed from the Air.
All politicians that fail to remove Obama/Biden are complicit in MASS Murder and looking the other way while Depleted Uranium Weapons is used in Syria by the USA. Yet another country turned into a Toxic Nuclear Dump for all eternity while the politicians Eat Turkey and Get fatter on GMO Toxic Food Garbage they allow the American People to be killed with.