So Kitzmiller vs. Dover - which once and for all knocks the final nail in the coffin of the whole Evolution (Atheism) vs. Creationism (religion) debate (and guess which is the stinking, rotten, pustulated, clotting corpse in said coffin, and which is still the very much alive & hammer-wielding funeral home attendant?!) - via the ruling made by one Judge John E. Jones III, a Christian Conservative himself.
Now, who was it that personally appointed Jones to the Federal bench in 2002? Yes that's right, one George Dumbya Bush. Who was it who voted in - twice - Dumbya? Yes, that's right: you Conservative Teabagger Neocunt Religious Right types.
Yes. You voted in the God Emperor of Fucking Up, who appointed Judge John E. Jones III. Who, just three years after said appointment, decided in a case which set the precedent, making the teaching of 'Intelligent Design', and thus by definition, Creationism in all accredited educational establishments in the US illegal and unconstitutional.
Ergo, Evolution is fact. Creation is lies. The law says so. QED.
And you must abide by that law. Romans 13:1-5 orders you to. Deal with it.
So you see, ConservativeYouthMovement, the simple fact is this, sparky:
"we live in a democracy. Reguardless of what you would like to believe, if the majority of the people do not believe in evolution and want it banned, it should never be up to a judge to decide the will of the people, nor should it be up to elitist scientists who think they are better than ANYONE."
You - and your fundie ilk - ultimately did vote for Creationism to be banned. You of the Religious Right - via your lack of socio-political foresight - in voting for one of your own kind, destroyed the Religious Right's own educational agenda. Democratically.
Frankly, you Freak Cuntservatives helped (as you continue to to this day) we Atheists in ways that not even we Atheists could've imagined. Via your own faith-blindness, you added one more loop to the perpetual train crash that is your own right-wing FAIL. Your own Dominionist agenda that is a crazy-train of political seppuku that helps the cause of Atheism, and we Atheists don't even have to lift a finger; you do our own work for us.
Dance, our puppets, dance.
Moral: Irony. Hubris. They can be such cruel bitches when they want to be, eh?! >:D
"Seriously, the majority can't "ban" something like evolution. That's called, erm, freedom of speech?"
Actually, said majority can. Said Religious Right ultimately banned Creationism, via the very legal document that entitles them to vote, have the freedom of speech - and the very same legal system which banned Creationism via the likes of Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
Ah, but then, that said legal document - the US Constitution - only guarantees freedom of worship, but prevents said worshippers from interfering with the State's business. And said 'worshippers' via their own Scripture (Romans 13:1-5) says they must obey their God-appointed political masters, nay, rulers; certainly what they - and their duly & legally appointed representatives (including judges) say. And wasn't Dumbya still in power in late 2005, when Judge Jones ruled in Kitzmiller vs. Dover?
Funny, that. And not in a 'Funny-ha-ha' way, neither. Enjoy your paradox, Freak Cuntservatives. And your 'Creationism', which not only is proven in court to be lies, the law says so - and you (via your own Holy Writ) must agree with, 1st Amendment or no. Fact is, even their 'right' to claim that Creationism is more credible than Evolution, doesn't have a single legal leg to stand on, thus what they say has no credibility whatsoever, even as an 'opinion'. Frankly, this is their current location, if they say anything other than 'Evolution is proven fact, and Creation is complete bollocks':
Like I say, the law - and their own Scripture - says so. Must be cold in that river in Egypt, Freak Cuntservatives.
Remember: we Atheists have the evidence. We win.
Clicking on the quote link it says 'Sorry, but FreeConservatives has been temporarily been shut down for a redesign and restructuring.'
(emph-ass-is added):
'Our return date is not yet known.'
Yet, in some of the forums I'm a member of, when they were hacked, it took a day or two at most for such to be cleared up, the forum reverted to it's original pre-attack state (the admins always religiously backed up their data, natch), as if nothing had happened. Even updates/redesigns took no longer than a day, and things were 'business as usual, carry on'.
Makes you wonder, eh...?! [/CTSTDT] >:D Freak Cuntservatives...