ConservativeYouthMovement #fundie

Also, the truth of the matter is bob, we live in a democracy. Reguardless of what you would like to believe, if the majority of the people do not believe in evolution and want it banned, it should never be up to a judge to decide the will of the people, nor should it be up to elitist scientists who think they are better than ANYONE.

There is no question that intelligent design does not have the same scientific grounds as evolution, however truth is a matter of perception and not of reality in this case. The simple fact of the matter is, if the creationists are wrong, they die knowing their life meant something and die happy. [...]

The reason the scientists highlight evolution as the most fundamental principal in biology is thusly due to public attention will always lead back to the money tree, which will allow them to progress within the other fields of their sciences due to the attention of the public. Simply put, evolution is a crock to make money, whether it be true or untrue.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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