Ted Baehr #fundie charismanews.com

A Christian media watchdog group has launched a campaign against a new movie based on the book jesus of nazareth that depicts Jesus' birth as the result of the Virgin Mary being raped by a Roman soldier.

Paul Verhoeven, the Dutch director known for "RoboCop," "Show Girls," and "Basic Instinct" is slated to direct the film. Verhoeven is also a member of the Jesus Seminar, a group of laymen and scholars that question the truthfulness of the gospels and the miracles of Jesus.

"The liberal media's relentless persecution of the Christian faith shows yet again the double standard of bigotry. There's no way a similar movie would ever be made claiming Muhammad was the product of a rape," says Ted Baehr, founder of the Christian Film & Television Commission, which launched the campaign.

The movie depicts the life of Jesus, but unlike other Biblical epics jesus of nazareth shows Jesus performing no miracles, born as the result of rape, and when Jesus dies He does not come back from the grave.

Paul Verhoeven, the writer of jesus of nazareth is no stranger to offending Christians with statements intended to bully and browbeat: "In my opinion, Christianity is nothing more than one of many interpretations of reality, neither more nor less. Ideally, it would be nice to believe that there is a God somewhere out there, but it looks to me as if the whole Christian religion is a major symptom of schizophrenia in half the world's population: civilizations scrambling to rationalize their chaotic existence. Subsequently, Christianity has a tendency to look like magic or the occult."



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