Carico #fundie

The theory of dinosaurs came along in the mid 1800's just before the time Darwin begain imagining the ape scenario. A young scientist envisioned an enormous creature in his mind and set about trying to find it. He was met with much skepticism and no real evidence until he found something that looked like a skull but he wasn't sure. So he set about trying to create a creature from that skull, all the while, his wife believing he was insane, which of course, he was, thus re-inforcing the phrase "mad scientist."

So after many years of gathering different bones, the dinosaur was created. Never mind that there's absolutely no way to know if those bones came from one animal or several animals. All that mattered was creating a fictitious monster out of any bones that were found and passing it aong as the truth so he can get his name in science books. Scientists even admit that some of the skeletons were "missing" so they added other bones from other animals to complete their design. This is not science. It's called; artwork. And it's very creative artwork at that! Some of those creatures are hilarious and any design is possible because there were no witnesses! But unfortunately, it's no different than kids finding sticks in the woods and creating anything they want from them. And most people see that as children's imaginations (which it is), but if those children had letters after their names, then people would claim they were "brilliant, just brilliant." And this is all palentologists do.

Then they assign each creature a name ( and the longer the better to show how intelligent they are but they more accurately describe the size of their egos than any real living creature) and decide which ones were herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores. So how can they know what these animals ate? :confused: The answer is that they can't know. They have simply made it up. And all they have to do is use the letters after their names and they can pass anything along as the truth. :)

So these fictitious beasts are in every science book in elementary school and passed along as facts instead of artwork. And people have been so brainwashed to believe them as facts, they can't see the forest through the trees that there's no way to prove them whatsoever. The various bones have all been positioned and glued together to depict the imagination fo the artist. There's no way to tell if these bones were all from the same animal or one animal. Even today, scientists have to extract DNA to see if the bones they find from a dead body all belong to the same person! So the one thing scientists have that is undeniable and that is an imagination. But it's hardly science. Palentologists would make more money working for Steven Spielberg than spending their times on hot deserts. ;)



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