David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
You'll never hear what I'm about to tell you from the predominantly Jewish-controlled mainstream newsmedia. I do not enjoy writing articles like this, but the truth needs to be told, so that no Christian dare idolize or speak highly of actor Leonard Simon Nimoy (1931-2015). Our world is fast-headed for eternal damnation. Literally, BILLIONS of souls will all be dead over the next few decades. I don't want you to go to Hell forever. Leonard Nimoy died so foolishly on February 27 last month.
Tragically, Mr. Nimoy went to Hell in his sins without Jesus Christ. Did anyone witness to him? Did anyone care? Would he have listened? It is very sad indeed. 2nd Corinthians 4:3-5, “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not [unsaved people], lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them [enlightenment]. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.”
I have read nothing but positive comments from the Jewish-controlled media. I am NOT anti-Semite, God forbid. I love all Jewish people, including Leonard Nimoy. I am however against the arrogance-fueled-heresy of Zionism that blinds men's minds and hearts, hindering them from seeing the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. It breaks my heart to know that Mr. Nimoy went to Hell. As you will now learn for yourself, Leonard Nimoy was caught up into New Age philosophies of a male and female aspect of God. There is no feminine aspect of God (as sinfully taught by Feminist Theology). The Holy Bible is a masculine Book!
Leonard Nimoy Expressed His Jewish Religion Through Nude Photography
Leonard Nimoy was a big-time sexual degenerate. In a disturbing two-part YouTube interview video by Leonard Nimoy titled, “Sex And Religion,” featured at Rmichelson.com (I will not link to either of these websites because of their nude and lewd content), Mr. Nimoy makes some shocking statements. Nimoy claims that his first sexual experience was at age 8-to 9 years old, while attended an orthodox Jewish synagogue. He claims that the Rabbi got up and prayed in Hebrew, while everyone in the congregation made an occult hand-sign (which he later introduced as the famous “Vulcan Hand Sign” in the Star Trek series. He was told by his father to cover his eyes and not to look.
According to Nimoy, at the aforementioned occult synagogue ceremony, he was taught by the Jewish Rabbi that a female deity (named Shekhina) entered into the gathering room to bless the congregation. Yes, Leonard Nimoy believed that God has a female aspect (which is satanic New Age). The reason why Nimoy was told to cover his eyes was in humility to the Shekhina. So Nimoy claims he pondered how to see the Shekhina if you cannot look at her. His solution was to combine sensuality with religion. Literally, Leonard Nimoy claims that he sought to photograph the female aspect of God (the Shekhina) by photographing nude, lewd and sensual women. This is utter wickedness.
Biblically, God has no female side. Only in witchcraft, the occult, Yin-Yang and New Age occultism do we find the existence of a female goddess or deity. The Holy Bible teaches about GOD THE FATHER, and GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY SPRIT (Who is referred to as “He” in John 16:13, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.” All aspects of the Divine Godhead are masculine, and always shall be. There are no feminine aspects of the Godhead. Woe unto the wicked!