Teutony #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Do not take Ebola vaccine! Repeat: Do not take any Ebola vaccine
People, there is something related with this article which was related by this news outlet from Ghana: the event chronicle.
I'm referring to this link:
[link to www.theeventchronicle.com]
Mainly here they speak about that most of the people which were got diseased, were those which were injected something by Red Cross.
If you are curious more, you can try to get the cache, but you cannot access this link from any westerner country nor EU. You need to use an african proxy and then you can open.
Which leads to the conclusion, that I had before, that this is a spectacle of grand proportions, in order to terrify the masses and take the vaccines.
If we do that, then we will get the real deal, the real disease!
Try for yourself access that link and see why is this blocked from westerner countries?