David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Katy Perry—the Babylonian, big-breasted, Baphomet, blasphemous-bimbo—recently said that she is NOT a Christian and thinks Heaven is “a hoax.” Katy Perry began her trainwreck career of sleaze as a Gospel singer. Talk about a loser and sell-out! I guess Satan has done more for Katy Perry than God has. God keeps us all breathing. God gives us the awesome delicious foods that we eat and the taste buds and health to enjoy it all. What has the Devil ever done for you? God offers you eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ, but Satan can only offer you the world until your earthly life is over; then God will judge you (Hebrews 9:27).
Who would want to follow a total loser in God's eyes like Katy Perry? This Illuminati-favorite, slithering servant of Satan, stripper-singer, promotes satanism as being “cool” to preteens and teens. Ke$ha, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus (Manly Virus), Kanye (Pest) West, Kim (Kartrashian) Kardashian... THESE ARE GOD'S ENEMIES (James 4:4). You will become like those you hang around. Do you want to be like God's enemies? Do you want to become God's enemy too? I wouldn't recommend it if you're smart. Sadly, many professed Christians today are naive and indifferent concerning the evil threat of witchcraft to our youth...
There is an Independent Baptist Church down the street from where I live. They are NOT fundamental. They have a big Christian school of 1,000 students. They also have their own local radio station. I was listening to their radio station the other day. The associate pastor runs the radio station and was interviewing one of their students-of-the-week. I was saddened to hear him ask her if she had read the Harry Potter Series, and she affirmed that she had. Literally, this shameful pastor was promoting and endorsing Harry Potter's witchcraft. The same church has an impressive teen orchestra, but they perform Walt Disney theme songs; such as, Aladdin, The Lion King and other songs. Walt Disney is a filthy sex-perverted group. This so-called “ministry” has a big Christian school with a church on the side. They have a great music program, but no preaching. I had attended for one year, but then they told me to stop passing out sermons by Dr. Hyles, Dr. Younce and Dr. Lacy or they would ask me to leave. I told them that as a faithful Christian they had forced me to make a decision that I didn't want to make, rather than sinfully compromise the truth. You can read the full story here. I prayerfully know they will weep bitter tears in eternity at The Judgment Seat of Christ. Harry Potter is of the Devil and churches ought not be promoting such wickedness to children.
If you've ever spoken with someone who was a serious drug addict, they can tell you of the demonic experiences they had while high on drugs. I have talked with such people who claim that they saw demons and unbelievable nightmares. Drugs and alcohol are gateways into the demonic spirit world. Those who engage in substance abuse are inviting demons to infiltrate and control their mind. Often, drug abuse is intentionally used in witchcraft to make contact with demons. And in case you didn't know, the witch's broomstick is a sexually offensive symbol, symbolizing the male phallus.