Women who have abortions should be locked away in an insane asylum because they are obviously insane for having an abortion instead of having the baby and then giving the baby up for adoption because there are thousands of couples who want to adopt babies.
Oh yeah. There are thousands of couples who want to adopt crack babies, babies with fetal alcohol syndrome, babies born premature, etc.
Mike: not to mention giving birth is FAR riskier than an abortion, and that pregnancy alone can really kill a carreer/future for some (especially in more mysoginist areas where she might get fired "due to bad personel reviews", or forced home because they don't want a "shameful girl" at their school....)
Except that adoptions can cost anywhere from $5000 - $30000 for US adoptions, more or less internationally, you have to leap through hoops to get em, and according to old ass stats from adoption.com, there were about 150k kids in the system.. in 1992. So really, adoption is not a guarantee of a healthy childhood for said child.
Yes, because I totally want to go through a ton of emotional and physical distress to make two people I don't even know happy.
If I get pregnant when I'm not ready for a baby, I'm not going to have it. I already have enough emotional problems. I don't need to live through giving my child to a strange couple.
Those couples looking to adopt, perfect, healthy, white babies may be looking to raise them in a way you find repugnant and immoral. A scene from an '80s movie comes to mind: the protagonist is trying to get rid of a baby she somehow acquired and a prospective adoptive family plan to name the child "fern" and bring her back to some midwestern shithole to amount to nothing. Is it fair to condemn a baby to such a dreadful life when you can easily eliminate them before they're born and become babies?
Yeah, this completely ignores the mental and physical toll of carrying a child to term. Not to mention the average cost of raising a child these days is about 100,000 dollars (I can do the math for you, if you want).
Are you willing to adopt all those unwanted children? If not, shut up.
Right. And when George gets his way, he'll be bitching along the lines of...
"Women who use birth control should be locked away in an insane asylum because they are obviously insane for using birth control instead getting pregnant and having the baby and then giving the baby up for adoption because there are thousands of couples who want to adopt babies."
Followed by
Women who refuse to sleep with me should be locked away in an insane asylum because...
So, Georgie, did they at least let you visit your mom, since she apparently waited too long and you survived?
the tens of thousands of kids in orphanages and foster care waiting for someone to come and adopt them disagree with your statement, george.
and you know people like george say it's "gawd's will" that these girls be forced to have the baby, but when their own reproductive potential is compromised they'll immediately go out and spend $45,000 on fertility treatments instead of adopting one of the hundred thousand kids they "saved" from abortion.
what a bunch of fucks.
What about the girl that's scared shitless that her parents will disown her for being a godless whore, hmmm? Should she still have to carry the baby? What about the girl that's concerned that she will be condemned to a life of misery and poverty? Should she be forced to? And what about the kid? There may be thousands of families looking, but not all will be deemed acceptable. There are thousands of kids being fed to the system, and again, living in complete misery. But they have a right to slog though that misery.
Yeah, you're all heart, man.
So my choices are life as a brood sow or the insane asylum? Cut me off a big slice o'Snake Pit, please.
As an adoptee I am infuriated by the notion that a twenty minute medical procedure is somehow equivalent to nine months of pregnancy and the surrender of one's own flesh and blood. Kindly fuck yourself sideways.
George, pookums, as soon as you can get pregnant, have your body stretched out of shape, and then take a chance on dying to give birth, and then have it take 2 yrs for your body to recover, THEN you can bitch about abortion. Until then, shut the fuck up!
So I'm insane. Odd... my therapist never mentioned it.
Speaking as someone who's done both, I can say that the abortion was much easier on me both physically and emotionally than the adoption was.
#325498: I don't know, but plenty of husbands say it to their wives.
Nobody owes another person an extra baby. No woman owes a stranger the use of her body without her will for nine months, at the risk of her health and her life. No woman owes society months of discomfort, back pain, swelling ankles, and no woman should be forced to do that UNLESS SHE HERSELF WANTS A BABY. It would be insane to think that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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