[Just wondering what the general opinion was on killing animals, whether it be for food, self-defence, hunting etc..]
After Adam & Eve's fall, God immediately clothed them in animal skins. That was a type of what He would do by clothing us in His Son's righteousness when we call upon His Name for salvation, applying His atoning blood to cover our sins.
An animal had to die to cover the flesh of fallen Adam & Eve. Death entered the world when Adam & Eve disobeyed God, and animals came under the death sentence at that same time.
It was after the Noahic flood that animals also became food for people to eat with God's blessing.
Only a dyed-in-the-wool fundie would turn a question about the ethics of hunting into a lecture about God's atonement.
This is a classic example of a fundie's idea of a conversational segue.
But look at the username, christdependant. With treatment, that kind of dependency can be overcome.
Okay, firstly... 'Noahic'? Is this a real word or did you just, you know, pull it out of your pastor's rectum?
Secondly, Christdependant (read: dependent, morons) if you're going to spell things incorrectly, make sure that they're not your actual name. Jesus wouldn't be too pleased.
Kay? Good.
God created the Earth, the Sun, the universe, etc...but couldn't handle a pair of pants without killing animals?
God could just as easily made them clothes out of cotton, or linen, or wool, or any number of other textiles that don't require anything to die.
Maybe God invented Faux Fur? No really. I am going to don the fantastical delusions of my past Christianity to answer this: "It was after the Noahic flood that animals also became food for people to eat with God's blessing.”
First I will assume that you believe that everyone but Noah's tribe was killed during the flood. Therefore I will talk about the dissemination of information dealing with shepherding and animal husbandry.
Remember, Abel was a shepherd. There are then quite a few generations between Adam/Abel and Noah. The idea of shepherding and animal handling obviously did not die out with Abel because we see evidence of it later in the bible. Noah certainly would have knowledge of shepherding, animal husbandry and butchering.
Therefore, you are asserting that, prior to Noah, there were established shepherds just to raise animals to clothe people and they threw out the meat. There are biblical references to people knowing how to weave as well. Were they vain? Did they need fur collars and cuffs on their robes? Don't tell me that they sacrificed all of the meat to god either. The bible states that they brought their "best" to be sacrificed.
/fantastical delusions
Ah yes, "Noahic" - because "Global" causes snickers amongst anyone with an IQ over 80, and "Noahdic", while sounding better, causes snickers amongst anyone with an IQ under 80.
Clothing us in his son's righteousness? Blood to cover our sins? Neither that type of clothing nor that type of covering has anything to do with animal hides.
"It was after the Noahic flood that animals also became food for people to eat with God's blessing."
So, it was alright to kill animals, just not OK to eat them?
"christdependant" - Please get a brain... If there was no death, why did God make male and female animals that weren't part of the food chain? The world would be overrun by insects in no time if the spiders and birds weren't eating them as one tiny example.
PLease go and look at mass spawnings - life began in the sea, not some stupid fucking half assed idea of a garden 6,000 years ago.
John Raptor said:"God could just as easily made them clothes out of cotton, or linen, or wool, or any number of other textiles that don't require anything to die."
But they DO require something to dye.
So god wanted to smear us with blood so we didn't have to wear clothes?
Adam and Even 'fuck up' according to god, and he punishes some animals by slaughtering them for clothes, to cover the 'shame' that god gave them over the body, that god gave them? How much more retarded could religion be?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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