there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth. I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin..
You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him. Remember...they have made the jump from believing a God-->no god...on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
History has shown the true danger of being absent of God..the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
"there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept the truth. I've seen many angry fundies in my time.
You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from truth. Remember...they believe fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
History has shown the true danger of being religious..the nazis were the greatest Christian nationalistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what religious fundamentalism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...the babble."
There. Fixed it.
"They have admitted.......", why are they so confident to you?. To begin with, nobody says to a total stranger, yes, I´ve been into drugs, homosexuality is no longer a shame and witchcraft........well, has nothing to do with atheism. Concerning dying their skin, go to Morrocco and you´ll find interesting facts. And Hitler was Catholic, do you know.
The Nazis wore belt buckles with "God With Us" on them. Hilter was a Catholic all his life. Get your facts straight.
Nobody has ever commited atrcoties in the name of atheism and darwinism. Plenty of atrocities have been commited in the name of Christianity.
Also, it is *you* and your fundie friends that refuse to aknowledge the truths of science and reason. You run into the arms of your precious imaginary friend because you can't handle reality. Also, you accuse *us* of psuedoscience? You obviously don't understand what science is.
I do not smoke, drink, or do drugs. Tattoos are not a big deal. Witchcraft is superstitious nonsense. I don't think homosexuality is absolutely more common among atheists then among other groups, although the stastics may say so since atheist homosexuals are likely to be more open about it then Christian homosexuals.
*Angry people in general, not just atheists, would not likely have a long and reasonable discussion with you.
*"Witchcraft" as depicted by fundies does not exist except in Hollywood. Anyway, atheists have no belief in the supernatural, so that's that.
*Many people of all religions and none "try" to dye their skin. It's called tattooing, and it's actually successful. And I don't see how that's a major sin.
*Claiming "most atheists" have experimented with 'drug abuse' (sic) and homosexuality is untrue.
*Atheists don't want to 'run from [God]', they simply don't believe in it. They often listen, but offer refutal to the less believable parts.
*Atheists don't jump from believing in God to no god. They simply don't believe at all, lacking evidence of said entity.
*Ghosts, monsters, dragons, talking animals and invisible father figures are fairy tale stock - and the domain of Christianity and other religions, not atheism.
*Science is not pseudoscience. Atheists believe in what is empirically evident, not in half-baked unprovable hyphotheses.
*The Nazis were led by Hitler. He used "the mandate of God" and a perversion of the Christian faith to justify his actions. He even had atheists killed. Your account of history is flawed.
*Satan is not the 'chosen savior' of atheists, any more than Krishna is the chosen savior of Christians. Lack of belief in any religion generally goes hand-in-hand with lack of belief in that religion's mythos.
Every statement made in T&T's post was complete and utter fiction. There was not one sentence of truth in the entire thing, and it terrifies me that there are others that share this mindset.
@cowardly anonymous poster:
Hitler was the second Antichrist? Who was the first? And why didn't anyone tell us Armageddon had already happened - twice, apparently?
He had no rants against Christianity, either. He had rants against Jews, the other races and nations of the world, gypsies and such, but none against Christianity. There are videos of his speeches, during which he claims the divine inspiration of God.
The Germans, incidentally, have documented the facts of WWII and have even gone so far as to make it a crime to deny the Holocaust happened.
YOU need the education, because YOUR facts are flawed.
I won't talk about the homophobia, witchcraft (does it even exist at present?!) and Michael Jackson, because that person was not intelligent enough to be tolerant and witty about it, she/he wouldn't understand either if we told her/him why she/he is wrong.
But... omg the NAZIS ?
Haven't you learned about the religion wars in Europe ? About the crusades? The Spanish Inquisition ?
There are awful people all around the world. Mao Zedong wasn't Christian, nor was he atheist, but he still killed ten times more innocents than the Nazis. Wars and atrocities have nothing to do with atheism. However, there were wars about religions.
I hate it when they speak about the "willingly ignorants". I enjoy the debate between atheists and christians, particularly the debate concerning evolution and creation. Unfortunately, creationists seem not to listen to our proves and that's a pity.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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