Xeven #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Beware: TPTB not even Americans

The powers that be are foreign nations like China, Saudi, Japan, Israel, and even Mexico and India

Some of you think the puppet masters are wealthy Americans? Maybe a little. The truth of the matter is that many of these Wealthy Americans who buy and pay for your Government Congress and Senators are being prompt up and funded by foreign nations through secret deal and explicit trade agreements. We must STOP it now.

This is why our trade deals have fleeced this once great nation of jobs and manufacturing. Your children and grand children have been robbed by the very traitors that you trusted to take care of our nation and our constitution.

We have been, through my lifetime, under a massive subversive attack where foreign entities abuse our system of government and elections by making agreeable Americans very wealth and even CEO's so they can fund elections and candidates to do their bidding.

It is not just wealthy elites here with the puppet strings. It goes much deeper and further off shore than that.

China owns your grandchildren. Even you to some extent.

Trump is the ONLY candidate that is not directly controlled by these people.

Maybe it is not to late and maybe it is. I choose to fight with my vote, even if it may not count, even if it may not matter. Voting and making the attempt to save us is better than giving up and putting my head in the sand.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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