Evolutionism or Darwinism is not a science, it is a religion. It is the religion of those that hate God and are incapable of seeing that they will have to give account for their actions one day. The average scientist starts from the perspective that there is no God, so all of their hypotheses start from the perspective that their is no God and therefore they create elaborate "theories" as to the origins of existence that fly in the face of the natural evidence of a creator. The fact is God was such a genius that he allowed creation to be vague enough for these people to have enough rope to hang themselves for the most part because theirs is not a science problem, it is a pride problem.?
"Evolutionism or Darwinism is not a science, it is a religion. "
Goddiddittism or Bibleism is not a science, it is a myth. It is the myth of those that have a room temperature IQ and are unable to understand something that doesn't happen right in front of them.
Strange, I've never seen anyone present a single piece of that "natural evidence of a creator." And somehow I don't think saying, "But Professor, the vagueness of my work just shows that I'm a genius" would have gotten me a passing grade in any college course.
So by Christopher’s definition religion is something that starts with the desired conclusion and then works its way backwards, trying to fit the evidence to that.
I mean, we already knew that, but it’s nice of him to admit it.
The average scientist starts from the perspective that there is no God, so all of their hypotheses start from the perspective that their is no God and therefore they create elaborate "theories" as to the origins of existence that fly in the face of the natural evidence of a creator.
But if there were such “natural evidence of a creator”, their hypotheses would be disproven and discarded. But strangely enough, no matter how much creationists talk about such evidence, they never seem to be getting around to actually producing it
Here's something to think about Chris. If you can show that your god is exists, then many people (scientists and non-scientists alike) will believe that "Evolutionism" and "Darwinism" are religions. Because like your god, Evolutionism and Darwinism doesn't exist.
"Evolutionism or Darwinism is not a science, it is a religion."
In Westminster Abbey, central place of worship of the Church of England; the basis of modern Protestant Christianity...:
Thank you for admitting that Charles Darwin is God then, Chris Penis.
There is a creator of life, in fact there are several. The names we give to these creators are chemistry, physics, geometry, biology, etc. "Chance" plays a part in that this planet is not too hot and not too cold, and contains abundant water, plus carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and all the appropriate other elements. That happened long before evolution set to work. If you want to thank a deity for providing all these elements, go right ahead. But after that, it's science all the way, Christopher.
Evolution is an observable fact. The conclusions reached by the Theory of Evolution are based upon that and hundreds of other observable facts.
If you have a better explanation for these observations, feel free to present them.
The OP thinks it would be praiseworthy for a creator to make it easy not to believe, and then send people to hell for not believing.
Once again, I wonder whether the main appeal of religion, for one of its avowed proponents, is getting to imagine other people suffering.
Another victim of reality is my playdoh syndrome. Along with droning on about how the theory of evolution is a religion (and thereby should be excluded from being taught in science class as per the Lemon test), some of the religious right are now saying that Islam is NOT a religion, but is a political ideology, and therefore not entitled to any favorable treatment that any law affords xtianity, and no protections afforded by the general interpretation of the establishment clause. How very tricky!
It is the religion of those that hate God and are incapable of seeing that they will have to give account for their actions one day.
Evolution has nothing to do with the existence of God. God, if He exists, would be perfectly capable of creating life by the natural forces of evolution, just as He would be perfectly capable of moving the planets by the natural forces of momentum and gravity. Evolution doesn't deny the existence of God; it just denies the fairy tales of Genesis.
Let me get this aright: God is deliberately fooling eople for the righteous pleasure of yelling, 'Haha, fooled ya" when people reach the afterlif?
I know this has come up before - but these people act as if they believe this god is evil; that it lies for fun and then tortures those who believed its lie - also for fun.
“Evolutionism or Darwinism is not a science, it is a religion.”
About as compelling as saying that the NFL is a religion, or driving the speed limit.
“It is the religion of those that hate God and are incapable of seeing that they will have to give account for their actions one day.”
First off, the Theory of Evolution does not suggest or require atheism. Plenty of the faithful accept the science. I accepted evolution back when i was a believer. Nothing in evolution, or any other science, is what drove me out of the Church and eventually any form of theism.
"The average scientist starts from the perspective that there is no God,”
SCIENCE is limited to the natural, so one cannot scientifically conclude that gods are real.
"so all of their hypotheses start from the perspective that their is no God”
Wholly secular is not the same as atheistic.
“ and therefore they create elaborate "theories" as to the origins of existence that fly in the face of the natural evidence of a creator.”
Okay. You’re flogging the natural evidence of the supernatural? Good luck with that. Try not to drool on the chalkboards, please.
“The fact is God was such a genius that he allowed creation to be vague enough for these people to have enough rope to hang themselves for the most part because theirs is not a science problem, it is a pride problem.?”
I’m gonna guess that your ‘natural evidence’ of God involves really bad math using REALLY big numbers? LOTS of allusions to complexity. And the word ‘impossible’ thrown about like punctuation.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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