usachinanukewar #fundie

Today, I just wanna tell my viewers Jesus is the real most horrifying man in the universe. Fear Jesus, or get slain and get cast down into the Lake of Fire, being burned and tormented for eternity, no way out. Choose wisely. Fear Jesus or not fear Jesus. Only 2 choices. Simple and easy.

And, Jesus told me today that I’m His darling, too. I’m so thrilling joyful when I really confirms that Jesus really said so. Jesus told me today that I’m His darling, too. I guess He is implying me that I can invite Him to go naked swimming, naked diving, naked sun-bathing, naked playing volleyball, doing everything all naked in my private island in the Pacific, my greatest dream vacation with Jesus in His New Millennium Reign.

And, I tell Jesus all the time that I’m a very extremely glue boy. Once I’m immortally in Heaven, I’m gotta glue on Him, stick on Him, all the time and always in every single second in our sharing eternal life. I’m Peter the Massage Boy and Gluing Boy.

I always tell Jesus that I’m a very extremely gluing boy and I wanna glue on Him all the time in every single second when I’m immortally in Heaven. I’m Peter the Gluing Boy. I’m so extremely obsessed with Jesus.

And, today Jesus tells me and confirms me that I’m His darling, too. I’m in extremely thrilling joy now, grinning all the time today. I’m in love now with Jesus, my Darling. Jesus says I’m His darling, too. I’m joyfully dizzy, grinning all the time now with my mouth wide open in front of my laptop. I’m gotta glue on Jesus all the time every single second in our sharing eternal life when we meet in the air. I’m gotta be an immortal concubine with an ass of immortal tightness that solely, only and forever belongs to Jesus. And now, I’m already taken. I’m taken. I am taken. Jesus is my Darling. He told me today that I’m His darling, too.



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