Simple_Mind #fundie

Other "advantages" of being an atheist
There is no objective moral right and wrong so you can:

1) Rape women and laugh about it to your friends

2) Kill children just for the fun of it

3) Have sex with animals

4) Kill millions of people because they are a different race or are religious

5) Lie

6) Cheat

7) Steal

8) Murder

9) Kill babies and call it abortion and dehumanize those being killed

10) Cheat on your wife and abandon your own children

If atheism is true and there is no objective right or wrong then the above actions can never be wrong; they can only be a personal opinion of a person, culture or society. If there is no God, then there is no justice for those killed and no consequences.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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