It's All So Tiresome #racist
Compared to white girls, and especially black girls, other than IQ, I think Chinese girls benefit from delayed puberty AND strict parents.
I had white friends and classmates who were super "boy crazy" in highschool, whereas for me, the feelings didn't arrive till college, I have various cousins of both genders that didn't date till they were in college, or afterwards!
So..while it might be feasible for East Asian girls to study hard, graduate early, and start her career before marriage and kids...for white girls who get boy crazy so soon, rather than fight nature*, it might actually be better to support the white girls in finding a husband (parents, don't even let losers meet her), starting a family (teach her home economics, budgeting, investing in stocks), AND THEN the career begins when their kids are in school.
Especially since white women and white people in general like to "follow their dream" versus studying and working what their parents tell them - that kind of stuff takes more time. So it makes more sense for white girl to marry a white boy straight out of highschool while he starts working right away, trades, etc, then figure out a lifelong career that requires a huge time and money commitment.
* nature: "Age at menopause was later among Japanese-American women than among women of other racial or ethnic groups analyzed in the SWAN sample"