footnote: Rothschilds founded the "B'nai B'rith" comasonic org, of which ADL is a branch. BB website admits to "overlap with freemasonry" (BB can assume high position in any lodge).
ADL is behind the new laws against freedom of speech and press and religion and info internationally. Questioning holocaust numbers landed people in Germany and Canada in jail.
But Rothschilds didn't sweat the holocaust, they helped Hitler via Rockefeller puppets Prescott Bush and JP Morgan. Top nazis were jew names; Eichmann and Borhmann, for examples (secret society jews) Vatican supported Hitler also, the agenda being to get rid of TORAH jews (not secret society jews).
Rothschilds also funded the Scofield Bible zionist footnotes, imposed via arranged celebs such as Hal Lindsey and Hagee. Zechariah 11:10-13 explains that the covenant is broken when 30 pieces of silver is paid (by high priests to Judas).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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