David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
There are some fast food restaurants that I won't go to anymore, just to avoid the transgendered employees at the ordering counter. When I go into Burger King for a Whopper with cheese (my favorite), and some effeminate sissy takes my order, I have to avoid laughing at how ridiculous the person looks. There's nothing more offensive than an effeminate male. The Devil turns people into freaks! Look what Satan influenced singer Taylor Swift to do!!! I don't know if you noticed, by someone started a rumor on the internet that Taylor Swift is a high priest in the Church of Satan. I sincerely believe that rumor was deliberately fabricated, and spread by the media, to hide my article exposing Taylor Swift and Satanism! Luciferians today control the media, Hollywood, Walt Disney, CIA, FBI, public schools, federal government, Freemasons, all major psuedo-Christian religious organizations, et cetera.
Will they say, “LET US DO EVIL, THAT GOOD MAY COME?” I could mention hundreds of evils, that are being pitched as GOOD nowadays. The Walt Disney corporation is part of our American culture, yet the average parent is woefully ignorant (or doesn't care) that Walt Disney historically is a vile haven for sex perverts. The former CEO of the company, Michael Eisner, said he thinks that about 40% of Disney's 63,000 employees are gay! Walt Disney is an Illuminati family. Luciferians are at work through Disney to prepared children for the New World Order. Most parents are woefully naive, viewing Walt Disney as something entirely good, and Disney has much good in their films, but there is a dark and evil agenda behind it all, to influence your child to embrace homosexuality, premarital sex, disrespect for parents, contempt for preachers, hatred of Christianity. It's all a necessary part to introduce children into the satanic New World Order. All of these evils are prevalent in Disney's movies.