[In response to an article about federal funding being denied for stem cell research.]
This Is Why We Are Winning, This Is Why
... 65% of Americans now oppose abortion.
[This isn't about abortion. It's about using embryos that were created at fertility clinics and are going to be thrown away if nobody uses them.]
For 40 years abortions including Planned Parenthood classroom instructors claimed that embryos were not a live. Now we are told that dead embryos are be used. How did they become dead if they were never alive? Now abortionists forgive me, stem cell people are growing embryos in labs. Only living things can be grown. If it is a human growing outside a mother than that human has constitutional rights doesn't it. Roe Vs Wade only applies to embryos (dead things) that are inside the mother. These are outside. Ohhhhh, it looks like another trip back to the US Supreme Court to resolve this dilemma. Gifted ones please explain this anomaly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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