"Evolutionists wont be content utill every school student is forced to renounce God in biology class"
Every school that can claim to be an accredited, and thus legal here in the UK, has to abide by the National Curriculum. As in the law. And that means 'Creationism' can only be mentioned as part of Religious Education/Comparative Religion classes. Thus it can only be stated that it's part of religious 'belief', and isn't fact. Thus it's regarded (certainly as far as educational regulations, i.e. the law), only a 'philosophical concept'. Because 'Creationism' has no hard, solid evidence to back up what it claims. Evolution and the Big Bang is taught in biology/physics/science classes as a whole as fact. Because there is evidence to prove it.
Here in the UK, education is based, first and foremost, on thinking for yourself. Everything else follows from that.
Similarly in mainstream educational systems in the US too. Especially so since Kitzmiller vs. Dover in 2005. As a result, teaching 'Intelligent Design' (a.k.a. Creationism by Stealth) is illegal in all US educational establishments. Oh, of course fundies can teach their kids outside of such, by the method of 'hoemskuling', but that method is biased in favour of the parent(s) doing so, based on their personal - and subjective - mindset. No objectivity, and thus no self-thinking allowed.
Now who's forcing whom?
Still, McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut et al need all the counter staff they can get eh, Observer?! Meanwhile, all those pointless & irrelevant doctor, dentist, surgeon, lawyer, computer technician/programmer, engineer, physicist/biologist, teacher/lecturer/professor et al positions will be filled by those who graduated from college/university.
And who can think for themselves. No 'forcing' required.
...and no, I don't want fries with that, Mr... (*looks at name badge*)
Oh, and something else, whilst it's legal to 'homeschool' (as is private tuition) here in the UK, even this is subject to the National Curriculum. Thus purely subjective religion-based teaching is illegal.
Oh, and re. my question here:
Why do you hate Freedom, Observer?