Olive Bowtie #conspiracy heatst.com

Bernie Sanders disappointed a lot of people. He promised to take his fight all the way to the convention, but he cut loose, told everyone to vote for Hillary, and left all of his supporters hanging. Many people who don't even bother with the political process anymore listened to Bernie's words, became hopeful, donated their nickels and dimes, volunteered much of their time at different events, and then got screwed. My husband and I will be voting for Donald Trump. We will gnaw our feet off before we ever cast a vote for Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders has no idea how much he has discouraged people. And then he expects us to cheer Hillary Clinton on after he jumps ship? I don't think so. And the same can be said for the Democratic party. The people wanted Bernie, not Hillary, but because of the corrupt super delegate system, the will of the people was squashed. This is not what democracy is supposed to look like. If only a handful of people are going to decide who gets votes in the end, why bother having a primary election? My husband and I are registered Republicans, but we believed in Bernie Sanders' message. We contributed to his campaign financially again and again. We wanted him to win because we are convinced that the establishment politicians have completely lost touch with what the American people are living with and dealing with and facing day in and day out. Now that Bernie is out, we will be casting our vote for Donald Trump.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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