KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
Avatar 2009 Decoded! You Are On The Wrong Planet! If You Think To Have Kids And Invest/Sacrifice Their Souls Here!
From this thread.
Thread: !!!!!!!***MEGA BREAKING*** ***SOUL TRAPS***!!!!!!! (Page 198)
Just saw the movie Avatar 2009 and it verified one of my biggest fears.
After noticing the same pattern in saber rider, matrix, lockout, lifeforce 1985, conan the barbarian, gi joe retaliation and so many other movies, animes etc i started suspecting of 2 different bodies our consciousness might be jumping from and to at our birth and death.
Which means when we die we wont even have a chance to run or hide from the lunar scum as we might wake up in an imprisoned body that sleeps(and grows) in suspended animation somewhere in their lunar beehive mothership.
(Pay attention when sully on his first way to his second body they were calling him "fresh meat" and "meals on wheels" while then they informed him how they were growing his second body while he was "dreaming living on earth!")
(Similar human food growing and farming was shown in the movie "the island 2005" where was shown how consciousness is very important to be attached for the human parts, organs/food to grow and now i see that consciousness doesn't have to be awake at all, the person might be sleeping and dreaming the whole time while the lunar scum grow him for consumption!)
This identical thing was shown to me in a dream in 2008 couple years before i learned about the moon and soul traps and in that dream a place was shown that i couldn't believe my eyes to see it again for the first time in this very avatar movie.
In that dream i died and then i woke up in a body on an island floating in the sky identical to the floating mountains in avatar movie. I was there with many other guys that just had died like me and all of us wanted to come back here to see our loved ones again and tell them we still exist and not to worry. On that floating island there's was a guy dressed identical to grim reaper wearing a black hood and everything. His face could not be seen and he gave me a matrix style phone where the moment i put it on my ear i woke up from that dream and into the body that i had before i died.
Pretty much in that dream was shown my consciousness to be jumping between bodies with no freedom in between.
In the beginning of the avatar movie was shown the big mining machines that were used in ancient times to mine earth completely.
Avatar is pretty mind blowing if you get to see it after you have watched this video of a russian researcher "there are no forests on earth".
Next was shown to our face the iron drakons the ancient chinese historians talk about the drako's race used to land on earth from the moon.
Pay attention to the chinese drakon painting on the trinity scarface alien military invader's spaceship.(dont know why in this forum the word "drakon" with letter "g" has been banned though, hope someone fills me in on why is that).
Now in this movie the lunar reptilian scum were divided into 2 groups, the alien invaders with the iron drakons spaceships and the earthly victims that looked identical to demons and the reptilians from star trek beyond, so whatever side the ignorant viewers take they'll be siding up with the reptilians either way.
(Pay attention the leaders of the indigenous/reptilian demonic race how they were dressed, the female as the woman in red from matrix/red queen/satan(was shown to drink blood from a straw too) and her man wearing crow feathers/death symbolism identical to ravenna/satan from huntsman movies!)
They love to play both sides and give us no clue of how the real indigenous race of planet earth looked.
They showed also their goddess eywa(organic version of matrix) as an expert puppet master moving all strings insidiously and controlling all outcomes, not taking sides/aka playing both sides to maintain a balance.
This reminded me the nde of this guy
Thread: Meet the Demiurge
where when he talked with the lunar boss in his NDE he was told the same thing about a balance/war he has to keep between good and evil which creates a lot of energy from the conflict and how he plays both sides and undermines either side to keep this balance/war at a specific percentage 33.3% vs 66.6%.
Forgot to post this part!
-You want a fair deal,
you're on the wrong planet.
The strong prey on the weak.
That's just the way things are.
And nobody does a damn thing.
"This planet is Satan's territory/zoo/evil truman show,
every lifeform is programmed and forced to prey, destroy, consume and steal life from other lifeforms in order to survive a single day on satan's planet/territory.
If you think to bring your kids to this world
And the sad part is "Nobody gives a f*ck not even for the innocent kids they doom by birthing them on this freaking planet!"