Evos are medical idiots. How does a condom stop the transmission of disease when 2 gays kiss? Do you know where their mouth has been? A little scince for evos to thing about.
Are you trying to claim that the reason sexually transmitted diseases (I assume you mean AIDS) are so widespread is because when a man uses his mouth for sex on another man, he then goes and kisses a totally different man today, tomorrow, or whenever and they get infected? What the fuck? Did your pro-abstence program tell you this while they were pretending like condoms didn't exist?
Ho-ly shit. Yeah, people get AIDS from saliva all the time.
Technically, it is possible to spread HIV through saliva, but a number of things would have to happen making it highly unlikely!
They include:
1. The person who was spitting would need to be infected with HIV.
2. They would need to have blood in their saliva.
3. The HIV would have to survive in the saliva (HIV tends to dies in saliva).
4. The person being spit at would have to have an open cut that is not scabbed.
5. The saliva (about 8 ounces or more) would have to directly enter the cut.
6. Then maybe there would be a small, small chance of infection.
I'm pondering the little scinces, but still don't see where you're going with this aside from "AHHH! The gay! Won't somebody think of the children!"
I'll admit I've never been to med school... but you're not dazzling me with medical brilliance either.
Hmm, yes, those diseases can be (but aren't necessarily) transmitted by kissing when someone takes the equivalent of a bucket full of the other's saliva into their mouth , and we ain't talking kiddie sandcastle buckets here, either.
It's not something for me to think about since I already thought about it ten years ago and decided to find out.
It is easy coadie. Take a huge condom and stick it over your head, then kiss your partner. This should help others in two ways. One it should prove something that everyone over here already knows, YOU are a DICKHEAD. Two it should remove your idiotic ass from the reproductive pool before you multiply. Have a nice day!
BWAAAA!!! I'll bet you've already got AIDS from one of those damn gays that eats at the same Denny's as you. Sharing forks with gays sucks!
Grow a brain bigot. That vacuum in your head is sucking all the happy out of my life.
A) Use of condoms has nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with reality. B) AIDS requires blood to blood contact- if orally, drugully, vaginally (although if you're gay, not such a problem), anally or just from a transfusion or spill (not likely, but possible).
In all of these cases a condom significantly decreases the likelyhood of transmition, and thereby greatly slows, or stops the rate of infection.
If it is so easy to stop who do we blame for this terrible, unnecissary pandemic? The US war on drugs and
John Paul the Second: nice bloke, had a lot of faith and killed more people than Hitler.
You see, toadie, you might contract HIV from a doorknob, so "scince" has evolved a solution. Just put condoms on all the doorknobs in your house and you'll be absolutely safe. You could even kiss a knob or two, if you'd like. Now there's a little "scince" for you to "thing" about.
So...you're afraid of this because you kiss gay guys, right? Well, you can just forget about this gay guy kissing you - and it had nothing to do with HIV (which I do not have, asshole). Not only am I taken, but I don't kiss idiots.
In your case, I think the phrase when pigs grow wings and fly applies nicely.
Uh, I think he's saying that since gay men suck other gay men off, HIV can be transmitted through residual semen.
To which I only say, Google "dental dam" sometime.
if it was anybody but coadie i would call troll or poe.
what a moron. look, kids! it's failed sex ed at work!
Er... a number of problems with your post, coadie. As usual.
->Saliva is a poor medium for transmitting HIV/AIDS. The virus tends to die within it unless it comes into contact with a more viable fluid (like blood).
->Contrary to what fundies seem to think, most homosexuals do, in fact, brush their teeth & use mouthwash. That tends to sanitize one's mouth.
->Not all homosexuals have AIDS, or even the majority of them. I know, this flies in the face of what you heard from Pat Robertson et al.
->What the hell does any of this have to do with evolution?
->Your spelling and grammar are atrocious. Learn basic language skills, please. After that, we'll work on basic science and history.
Well, herpes you may well spread via kissing, but that's true for anyone at all. In fact, we all carry around 5 of the 8 strains of human herpes virus (HHV).
However, if you're thinking more along the lines of HIV, then think again. The viral load of HIV in saliva is so miniscule that you would need to drink aroun 1 gallon of saliva to even risk infection. Viral load is quite high in the ejaculate, so a condom does significantly reduce the likelihood of transmission.
There's some "scince" for you to mull over.
Where should I begin? This leaves me at a loss.
For one: Evo is short for Evolution. Evolution and transmition by bodily fluids have almost nill in common. Please get your terminology correct next time, 1% is only 1%.
Two: Well a condom goes over the penis so last time I checked, it can't stop anything oral, and it isn't designed to.
Three: Homosexuals are at no greater a risk for being infected than hetersexuals, so long story short: not all homosexuals have a disease.
Four: "Do you know where their mouth has been." Well for one, two people equates to two mouths, not one, please use the plural format next time. Two, last time I checked, my mouth has been attached to my face which means it has been in contact with the air, a pillow, soap, water, and relatively few other things. So if your implying my mouth is unexplainably filthy, I'd like to know where you get your information.
Five: It's spelt sciEnce. Note the "E" in there. I'll consider you a little more intelligent when you can spell correctly.
Two things are now buzzing around my brain: (sings) 'Human immunodeficiency virus is the kissing disease' and the bizarre suspicion that, somewhere out there, is an enclave of porn in which people are drinking buckets of other people's saliva.
Coadie, are you for real?
a)Evolution speaks about how the life as we know it today formed. Nothing about condoms or STDs.
b)HIV(not AIDS)and most STDs, unless the infected person is bleeding in the mouth(extremely rare)are not transmitted through a kiss.
Yes, condoms will not stop oral herpes from spreading. We're aware of this. Pretty much any other STI requires more than saliva to be transferred (And I am aware this is not how herpes is tranfered either, I just would rather not hear "SALIVA'S A FLUID TOO, HURR HURR HURR!" in response to fluid transfer, mmmkay?) ergo, condoms.
And what the FUCK does this have to do with evolution?!
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