"why can't we kill unborn humans?"
Oh, indeed (emphasis added)...:
Hosea 13:16: 'Samaria will be held guilty, For she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword, Their little ones will be dashed in pieces, And their pregnant women will be ripped open.'
...what's stopping you? It certainly didn't stop Timothy McVeigh, when he killed 19 children amongst the 168 people in the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. After all, you lot rely on just one part of the Old Testament - Leviticus - to justify your anti-LGBT bigotry.
When the very God you worship doesn't say word one in condemning* abortion - but actually orders it - your entire 'Pro-Life' cause is annihilated. You (as men) certainly don't have the right to even think of telling women what they can or can't do with their own bodies. That's why Roe vs. Wade exists.
Your own God Emperor George Dumbya Bush did enough killing of unborn humans when the attacks in Iraq & Afghanistan he ordered murdered pregnant women in those countries. Question: Are they no better than animals? Because if your answer is the only one possible, not only your argument, and your 'Pro-Life' cause, but your very religion, nay, your right-wing thinking based on such, is blasted out of the space-time continuum, and you have no choice but to become Left-wing, Atheist, and Pro-Choice.
Clint Eastwood is Pro-Choice. Also Pro-LGBT. Gonna tell him - previously a Reagan-supporter - to his face, that he's wrong? Go ahead. Make his - and my day.
*- Jesus doesn't say word one in condemning homosexuality in the entirety of the New Testament, neither. Therefore you don't have the right to be anti-LGBT.
"This is profoundly counterlogical."
Well, this is Conservapoodia. The land that Logic forgot.