Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
MK outside the US?
I have been reading about MK ultra and this kind of stuff for a while and I couldn't help noticing something. While driving, it's not uncommon to see some cars with three stickers on it: three butterflies of growing size in a line. And there is always a woman driving the car.
As well, I have a female friend who has, in her house, three magnets on her fridge. And the magnets are (guess what) three butterflies in a row... She has a butterfly tattoo in the back of her neck and sometimes small butterfly ear rings (not the hanging type). And on top of that, there are some days where she goes on "punishing mode", trying to hurt your feelings any way she can doing a weird grimace. And by the way, she visits the shrink quite often. She just changes in those days.
Well, where there is smoke, is fire. Would there be MK victims outside the US? Common people and not just media personalities. Why would that be? Has everyone noticed the same (in or outside the US)? Maybe, this person just like butterflies. BTW, the punishing mode sometimes goes on more than once a month ( I don't think its her period). And her mom is a kind elder lady, but kinda crazy too.