Most abortions are from 9 to 12 weeks and according to recent studies from fetogolgiststhey do feel pain. Regardless, they are killing an innocent human being. Does that mean nothing do you? Aren't you glad weren't rip apart in the womb and thown away like disposable garbage.
Why should I care what "fetogolgists" say? There's no such thing.
And, if I had been "ripped apart in the womb" or even aborted by an actually existing medical procedure, I wouldn't mind a bit because I would not exist as a person. Moot point.
If you really cared about ending abortions, Nancy, wouldn't you support forced vasectomies for all sexually active males? No? Why ever not, you sorry excuse for a woman?
Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Also, if I were aborted, I wouldn't care. Consciousness go plooey.
I love the Arrogant Worms!
I personally support the right of a woman to choose for herself whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Besides, I am male, so it's not my decision.
I also support the wide distribution of birth control methods and information to sexually active individuals to prevent pregnancy and STDs, since prevention is always better than a cure.
That's where fundies fail.
Their solution is "just don't".
We know how well that works.
Well, fetuses 12 weeks old at least have a working memory, I read in a popular science magazine. Don't take my word for it as I can't back it up, but at least there's that.
But yes, if you want to fight abortions, do things that actually have an effect. Fight for free condom distribution, sexual awareness campaigns, counseling, etc. Things that have been proven to actually reduce the number of abortions.
"fetogolgiststhey"? When in doubt, make shit up. Lying for jeezus.
Worth repeating.
One of the better arguments I've heard on abortion (hopefully I won't do it an injustice in my effort to repeat it here) dealt with whether one has a right to take the resources necessary for life from another. The example given was if a random celebrity is comatose and dying and the only way for him to live is to be connected to you for a long period of time. If rabid fans of the hypothetical celebrity take you by force and connect him to you, do you have a right to disconnect the individual from you though it would end his life?
Somehow I feel I'm not quite capturing the essence of the example, so I'm gonna go figure out at which blog I found the link to this example and post it here when I find it again.
EDIT: Ok, I haven't got a clue where I found it. I remembered it being in one place, but I was incorrect (although the location I misremembered is interesting in its own right). So, until I can remember where I found that, enjoy this instead:
CDC numbers for the USA indicate that the vast majority of induced abortions occur before 10 weeks. In the UK, ~75% are between 8 and 10 weeks. Since gestational age (time since last menses) is what is being counted here, and it is ~2 weeks weeks more than the actual time since fertilization, the embryos are significantly younger than what Nancy claimed. But I can see how she'd come to that conclusion.
Given that we are dealing with embryos between 6-8 weeks old, there is a wide variation in the development of the nervous system. At 6 weeks, the cerebrum has emerged as a distinct feature in the brain. At 7 weeks, spontaneous limb movements occur, so the peripheral nervous system exists at some level. However, current AMA statement is that motions are purely reflexive until the third trimester - which is to say that there is no connection to the central nervous system and hence no pain. So Nancy fails biology.
Regardless, I still don't understand something. If abortion is equivalent to murder, why are so many people who profess to be pro-life so opposed to birth control? Maybe you'd prefer that people not have sex at all, but given that that is going to happen, not getting pregnant has to be better than having an abortion.
A fetus at that stage is so small it's very hard to rip it apart. At 9 weeks it's only about 18 mm long.
If I had been aborted or miscarried I wouldn't have cared as I wouldn't have existed.
Cows, pigs and chicken feel pain too, they are much more aware than a 9-week-old fetus is, and they're just as innocent. You don't eat meat, do you, dearie? And you're against war and capital punishment, of course.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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