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Have any animals been observed to change at all since there HAVE been observers?]
Not a one. Evolutionists just look at an animal they've never seen before and imagine that he came from another animal! And that imagining is what they call evidence!
If you wish to observe evolution (man-induced evolution at that), check out a cow or sheep or a horse or a do or a cat.
If your interest tends towards flora, check out corn, wheat or rice.
Read up on their histories. Humansaredoingit!
Humans. As a species, we're getting taller, and our jaws are becoming smaller, often requiring removal of the wisdom teeth since there isn't room for them any more. I didn't even have any wisdom teeth in my upper jaw.
Maybe you were thinking of creationism, where they imagine that an animal was created by a benevolent diety. Nevermind the ones that went extinct because of their profoundly stupid design.
Also, look up bananas. They're like the creationist's nightmare or something.
When evolution causes change scientists do not mean they twist and bubble like Morph from the X-men.
Yes evolution has actually been observed in the laboratory. It has been viewed biochemically too. It can be viewed in the ring species of gulls in the northern hemisphere (great example). That is how scientists got that kooky idea in the first place, due to observation of life.
I've seen wolves and wild dogs, and my beagle looks nothing like them, even though dogs come from wild dogs, which came from wolves. Humans haven't only observed evolution, they've taken an active part in it.
Not to mention humans growing taller over the centuries with better nutrition, and having features adapted to conditions where they live...
Jesus Christ's resurrection was not observed by anyone alive now. It was documented at least 30 years after it happened. The identity of the writers of the documents is not known. There are no original transcripts. It has been copied, translated and voted on throughout the ages.
Despite all that, Xians claim it is absolutely true.
The few hundred dog breeds that have arived on the scene in the last 150 years?
Rattleless rattlesnakes?
Tuskless elephants?
Just because we know how it happened, doesn't mean it's not evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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