MissionInvisible #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
We are in a time of mass upheaval on a macro/micro level. The coding of the universe is shifting.
Thing of the earth as one giant computer, enter the matrix. We are all living in information patterns and fields around us that create our reality. Ultimately it is all energy....some feels "lighter" or "heavier" than other, as it is all perception of the individual.
As we go through any transition, especially as of late, there will be some clearing that happens as we get new coding, "upgrades" or re-writing of our epi-genetic expression.
The predicted "event" is happening, it has always been happening as the universe works in cycles. Yet, as we evolve to the next stage and begin to tune in, our DNA begins to connect in more with the system. Creating the ability to tap into the energies around us at a deeper level, or perhaps just sense them on a deeper level so that we consciously create a new reality and a new system. One that works together as a cohesive unit.
Our DNA has a holographic field that connects to the environment around us - SENDING AND RECEIVING INFORMATION. It is the ultimate computer program, and a lot of ours is screwed up from UNNATURAL EMF and toxic substances around us that limit the ability to connect in.
There is so much distraction, on purpose, most of it we are unaware of, but the coding we see on computer screens, on our phones, in our music, creates a dissonance in our bioenergetic field and also gives direction to our primal brain. The food, water, air, EVERYTHING has an information pattern that our body recieves like an antennae...what we tune into we send energy to and get energy from.
It is time to reconnect, clear out dissonant patterns. Ground to the earth (away from manmade emf), and create a circuit with the SUN.
Who knows what the future holds? Its all pretty exciting and mind blowing to thing of the potential we have written within ALL of us.