Zion Protocol Illuminati #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com
SECRET: NAZI HYBRIDS IN USA/CANADA - from the GPZ Eugenics program
I was told by my mother at age 9 that I would become
"A great leader of men".
A strange thing for a mother to tell her small child.
I went through all imaginable fantasies over 5 decades to explain the paranormal phenomena in my life, unexplainable by everything except perhaps demonism, divinity, or godlike qualities.
Then after 3 decades of study in sciences I came upon something that ought to interest most people.
In the 1940s - 1950s eugenic experiments to create a super-race were so secret that even today with the internet little data is available.
I can only piece this together from personal experience coupled with study, it will sound outlandish and delusional to most but a few might understand.
Several hundred babies were EXCHANGED and/or adopted in a top secret program called the German Protocol of Zion, which was a biotech program to genetically engineer a race of highly intelligent individuals to administrate the computer age. Contaversly a counter-program was instituted to sabotage this program called MKultra.
Its like the part in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS when the FATHERSIP drops off dozens of hynrid humans on top of Devil's Bute.
The adopted children in USA, Canada, and Europe were often birthed by inoculated women or outright adopted under strict security were like THE X FILES hybrid race of half aliens, only without the aliens.
Over the yrs I encountered "FRIENDS" on the internet interested in similar subjects and one a devout Nazi [he's been on this forum] and who swears to be a friend of the Vatican in esoteric studies gave me some clues that helped me discover who I am.
I dropped out of every conventional education from nursery school, to public school, to high school, and even university which allowed me to enter despite my lack of high school graduation based on an aptitude test I passed.
My IQ was measured at age 9 because I refused to attend school, it was 174.
The psychiatrist was amazed, I was in his words ABOVE GENIUS LEVEL.
It was at this age my mom said I was to become a RULER of some sorts.
It's Time for an Uncomfortable Discussion about What it Really Means to Engineer a 'Better Baby'
[link to www.geneticsandsociety.org]
This is true CONSPIRACY material because the people I call "BEER FOR BRAINS BASEBALL IDIOTS" [in a very condescending way I might add cause they BUG me] would never believe they have been walking beside ppl engineered to be superior in everyway. Some were made for battle, others for different tasks. Its like BLADE RUNNER.
I don't blame the Nazis, the word NAZI actually means "PRINCE".
However all attempts to integrate me into society failed, I always felt superior to others, and I made that clear in my attitude.
Now that I understand I realize what the shrink told me, I could have been successful at ANYTHING ... I was designed to be an administrator.
I am a 100% believer in eugenics and selective breeding.
It just makes sense to use all the knowledge and tools available to optimum capacity/benefit.
I didn't realize it was the Germans who created me, I thought it was GOD.
[maybe it is]
BTW I can assure you that the illuminati are hybrids, and such that peasant classes would have a chance to catch up through regular breeding practices.
I can see my brothers and sisters who succeeded integrating
and it isn't anyones fault i COULDN'T.