Christianity is older than any religion in the world in that it traces itself back to the very first man and his Creator, God (see Luke 3:23-38).
Oh dear... ever heard of Gaia? Or how about the Aboriginal myths?
In reality, Christianity is just a spin-off of paganism and Judaism, so get over it.
"Gliptholopolism (a religion that formed three minutes ago) is older than any other religion in the world in that it traces itself back to the very first man (who we will call Igtok), and his Creator, Hemul."
The prophets have spoken. Also: this argument is retarded because it relies on presupposing the validity of Christianity, ignores the fact that such claims come from the Judaism from which Christianity is derived, and can be hilariously applied just as effectively to almost every religion imaginable. But, nice try.
That would apply to any religion with a creation myth.
Actually, it doesn't apply to Christianity, as it branched off from Judaism 2000 years ago.
Every creation myth makes the same claim. Many of them predate the Bible. And some have a germ of logic. In this light I'm afraid the Book of Luke fails to establish itself as a prime authority. And even the Bible admits that other religions predated Judaism which predates Christianity. Sorry Karen. You're failure to comprehend the concept of linear time disallows your contribution.
But hey! Thanx for playing.
Watch! If I keep moving in a circular fashion, I return to my starting place! OMG!
Christianity is the oldest religion, because it says it is. Well, if that logic is valid, then let me just say I am immortal and unchanging physically. Surely, I am just that, since I have said that I am.
No, they weren't anything before Abraham. Abrahamic until Israel, Israelites until Christ, then Christian.
And that's using your book, not reality.
karen needs to have kids at 5
These imbecilic scum must be exterminated.
Buddha wants a word with you...
As do the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Egyptians, Jews, Taoists and Hindus...
Four of those religions are still knocking about. Buddhism and Taoism are relatively young while Judaism is a good 1000 years older than christianity. While Hinduism weighs in at nearly 5000 BC... Making it really crazy old. Actually dating past the date of creation. Maybe more. People are still excavating the subcontinent.
Look at Matthew 1.
See all the begats before Jesus?
That means Jesus Christ came (and this is important) after Adam.
Therefore Adam, the very first man according to your myth, couldn't possibly be a Christian, or a follower of Christ.
Get a clue.
You could always go to the Nevernever and ask the Old Gods wich one is older, though I don't reco-... no, actually, I beg you to go. Inmediatly.
How could Adam have been a christian? Doesn't christian mean follower of christ? Adam was supposedly created thousands of years before christ. How the hell could he be a follower of someone who didn't exist?
If you don't want to answer that one, look up the history of god. Abraham was believed to be a follower of El and Anat before he chose yaweh as his one and only god. True? Who knows, really, it was along fucking time ago. But, the fact that there is a question about it means other gods - and religions - existed long before the one god beliefs of Judaism....which, incidentally, is where christianity comes from in the first damn place.
You fail at world history and the history of your own religion.
All the passages she refers to do is trace Jesus's lineage back to Adam.
"And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years: being (as it was supposed) the son of Joseph, who was of Heli, who was of Mathat, [small hailstorm of "who was of"'s], who was of Henos, who was of Seth, who was of Adam, who was of God."
(Leave the Adam's mother jokes out of this.)
Point being, she mistook the chain of bloodline for a chain of belief.
You do know that Christianity was founded after all of those thousands of BC years right? Even if we interpret the bible literally, their was a religion before Christianity...the people who believed in it included Moses, Abraham, and many others.
I suspect that Karen is one of these Christians who think that the Old Testament is really all just a premonition of Jesus's coming, and that the Judaism of the Biblical Hebrews was a sort of embryonic or unrealized Christianity. See the bizarre fundie preacher Harold Camping, for example.
This is another one of those things which isn't stupid it's just a separate theology. But Christian standards it links back to God which according to the beliefs is eternal which would make it older.
It's not that hard to find stupid fundies guys. You don't need to pick on people for things like this.
He's never heard of paganism, taoism, hinduism, pastafarianism? nope, topic failed.
Pastafarianosm is older than any religion in the world in that it traces itself back to the very firts man (a midget on a mountain with some trees), and his Creator, the FSM. Are you touched by His Noodly Appendage?
Thats not how history works!
Zorostrian: you ripped off from us!
random hindu: You dont know shit....
Buddhist: Older by 500 years
Pagan: You stole from us
Jew: damn christians....
Hinduism, Buddhism, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Jews would ALL like a word with you.
Bumba , African vomit God
He didnt feel well, and puked up the world and stars. He still didnt feel well, so he vomitted up man , woman, wildebeast and some other things. He felt better and went back to heaven.
"Christianity is older than any religion in the world in that it traces itself back to the very first man and his Creator, God"
One word: Hinduism.
Also, I'd be extremely careful where - and to whom you're posting, Karen:
I thought it started 2000 years ago with a man named Jesus. I think what you are referring to is Judaism. Then again, most religions have some sort of creation story, and thus those religions started with the first man/woman and his/her creator.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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