"I have been thinking about giving blood for a while, but the situation in my country is quite bad.
We have a multiethnical society with many homosexuals, jews and atheists, and I'm worried that my blood will go to thoose groups.
I would normally consider the thing giving blood as helping your neighbour, but I'm quite worried.
Should or should I not become a blooddoner?"
I could comment on how this dipshit obviously hasn't read the Bible, or how sad the statement is, or a million other things, but I'm sure everyone else will, so...
- A society with homosexuals and atheists is 'multiethnic'?
- WTF is a 'blooddoner'? Makes me want to scream 'blooddonit!'
Fuck you. I'm a donor, and happy to do it. Donor blood saved my life, and I'm grateful for people who didn't think like you. (There's a label for them--compassionate.) I don't care who gets my blood. I don't even care if you get it if, knock on wood, you need it. Even a disgusting excuse for a person like you can grow into a better one as long as you're alive. I hope that happens to you, and soon.
By the way, even if this is a poe, it pisses me off.
I used to give blood until I got sick and started on medication. Saw my records once - they could give my blood to babies because I didn't have some virus or other, I forget which one. Maybe black babies or muslim ones. The horror!
You know what? I didn't care who they gave it to so long as it helped someone. That's kind of christian isn't it?
Translated (to use a commentater's term on another thread), this means: 'I am a racist bigot who does not want my blood going to save the lives of Jews (including Jesus, the Apostles, Paul, all the Marys etc), homosexuals or any others that I consider not worthy of being saved. But I fully expect that (Jew) Jesus will save me and bring me to heaven to share in the company of lots of Jews (including Jesus, the Apostles, Paul, all the Marys etc) who had better show me a lot of respect, regardless.'
What a maroon! as dear Bugs would have said.
Presumably this troglodyte doesn't want any Jewish or multiethnic(al) blood to be transfused into his/her veins in the event he/she is bleeding to death. So please reorganise the whole Transfusion Service on his/her account, right now!
I can't comment on that section of the site, so I *hope* he/she comes by here.
Seriously? You hate me so much that if I was lying mangled and bleeding on a hospital gurney, your main fear is that you might accidentally save my life? You're actively hoping that I'll bleed to death, right there?
Have fun on judgment day.
I cant give blood. under UK laws having sex with another man is an automatic black mark.
Yet someone who goes and fucks someone different every night is fine, even unprotected (as long as there blood passes tests...)
Makes no fucking sense.
I hope your only compatible donor is a gay, black, Jew, with 5 adopted Muslim children, married to his Pagan life partner.
Jews and Samaritans traditionally hated each other's guts. What did Jesus say the Samaritan did for the wounded Jew?
You want to know what Jesus would do? If he was any sort of good person he'd give blood.
Which reminds me, it's been years since I gave any! I must act on my own convictions!
You should. Your idiocy can't be passed on through blood donation.
You seem kind of weak on basic Bible principals, such as "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
@IanC,alex77: I was really humiliated when I found out about the blood ban (the UK one), they don't exactly go out of their way to tell you.
They know exactly how bigoted it looks so they don't put it in their pamphlets (at least not in anything bigger than 9pt) for fear of the bad PR.
Your white, sanctified, Christian blood will help turn those "multiethnical"s white, those homosexuals straight, and those Jews and atheists into Christians.
For sake of all those heathens, give blood and don't stop until you have no more to give.
We have a multiethnical society with many homosexuals, jews and atheists, and I'm worried that my blood will go to thoose groups.
Love your neighbor, unless your neighbor disagrees with you, then let him suffer and die due to lack of blood. Yeah, very christian of you.
Should or should I not become a blooddoner?"
If that means the same as a blood donor, yes, immediately, all of it - and donate any organs you may not be using, like your brain.
Perhaps there is inspiration in the words of Tex Ritter;
There was blood on the saddle and blood all around
And a great big puddle of blood on the ground.
A cowboy lay in it all bloody and dead
With a great big puddle of blood on his head.
There was blood on the saddle, blood all around
And a great big puddle of blood on the ground
The cowboy lay in it, all covered with gore
He'll never ride tall in the saddle no more.
Oh pity the cowboy, all bloody and dead
A bronco fell on him and mashed in his head
Donate today!
I give blood on a regular basis, I have the universal blood type that anyone can have so they call me quite often to give and I'm happy to do so.
I guess we could turn it around and ask you if you would turn down a blood transfusion from "one of those" groups if you needed to live?
I'm going to say that you would take any blood you could you get.
Ive givin blood before as well.. damn near passed out the last time I did. Its been a while since Ive given, perhaps I should do so again.
P.S. - I dont care who you are or what you believe..when I donate my blood, and you can safely encorporate it, then you can have it. No strings attached..from a human life to a human life.
Fuck you. I'm a gay man and am not allowed to give blood. If I was, I fucking would, regularly, because I know how important it is. And as soon as that idiotic policy is lifted, I will be giving blood, because it's needed and is important. The fact that you would refuse to do so because you don't get to discriminate who gets it, is utterly sickening.
At least there are SOME christians out there that don't mind telling asshats like this that they need to STFU.
Still, this has to be poe.
I should never believe I would have to do this but..Ask yourself "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO"????? He gave his blood for everybody, no matter who they were or what they believed, so giving up a pint of yours to follow his example should be pretty damn easy.
I'd give blood and plasma because I don't give a shit who it goes to, as long as it helps someone--whether it's a soldier wounded in Iraq or a baby in a car accident--gay, straight, atheist, religious, don't care. That, by the way, is unconditional.
Jesus poured out his blood for those people. How can you do less?
"christian" and "fundie" are not synonymous. overlapping, but not synonymous.
@ IanC:
The only time I had an HIV "scare" was from one of the rare occasions on which I slept with a woman. Six months later she discovered she was poz, thankfully my tests (3 over a year-long period) all turned up negative.
Does anyone know if this ban (US) would prevent me from giving blood to a relative in need?
If it's any consolation, mandse, while many would probably be pragmatic enough to accept it, most people would very likely loathe the idea of being given blood from a hateful, bigoted fuckwad like yourself anyway.
I like how the "enlightened" Christian response is "What do you have against the Jews?". No mention of the atheists or homosexuals, that's totally understandable.
Also, @#697164: Blooddoner? I barely even knew her!
Sorry, it had to be done.
Homosexuals, Jews and atheists are also your neighbours, stupid!
Most societies on Earth are multicultural and multi-ethnic, and every society that has humans has homosexuals and atheists.
Of course you should become a blood donor, if you can.
Sick freak. If a young Jewish child perishes from not getting any blood, I hope you're happy with yourself. By the way, stepping on rusty nails does not give you gangrene, so go step on one.
Should or should I not become a blooddoner?"
YES! ASAP. Organ donor as well.
I didn't care who they gave it to so long as it helped someone. That's kind of christian isn't it?
Christian?Pffftt Not by a long shot, roddy.
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