If you people think Christians are so retarded, let me ask you, Why would 2.1 billion christian people be? deluded and only 1.1 billion people be perfectly sane, it makes no sense
because of what I term the 85th percentile; 85% of the human population is fucking STUPID. if you operate under that assumption, things generally work out smoothly.
I would also like to know what the other 3.3 billion are up to.
Most of the Christians are sane, too... just not you.
(I can't rewrite the name... who the F gives themselves a name like that? Elmo? Barney?)
You're grammar makes no sense. But just because something is popular doesn't mean it's right. The best case is 500 years ago most people thought the world was flat. While science has since proven this idea wrong (and it's actually been known the world was a sphere since about 300 bc), most fundies still refuse to believe it. This is proof that those 2.1 billion people are at the least deluded, and at the worst brainwashed ignorant idiots.
2.1 billion are Christians, about 4.4 billion are not. Your stats are a bit off there.
And yes delusion is a very common human experience, especially when it comes to religion.
Well first of all there are 6 billion people, so you're discounting a full 3.8 billion people.
Second of all that is a mob appeal fallacy. As such you automatically lose at arguments. Go look up the informal fallacies before you come on my internet.
Because the religious meme spreads like a virus, particularly in a religion like Christianity which, as anonymous already pointed out, instructs its followers to get more followers.
You should read Richard Dawkins for more on this fascinating subject - and in the meantime(sarcasm) I do congratulate you on your enquiring mind and for asking the question. (/sarcasm)
Because people are, in general, pretty stupid and prone to believing things based on how good it makes them feel, rather than on how true they may be.
Why would 2.1 billion christian people be? deluded and only 1.1 billion people be perfectly sane, it makes no sense
Exactly my beef; it makes no sense.
Presumably the 1.1 billion referenced refers to atheists and agnostics, not to non-Christians generally.
But I'd be surprised if the global number were that high, sadly.
You know how there are those adds that say" Over 1 million Australian women can't be wrong". Well guess what, they can. In fact, billions of people can be wrong. I'd go as far to say that the entire Earths population is wrong about one thing in particular (don't know what it is though).
Here, let me fix that for you.
If you people think people having the flu are so retarded, let me ask you, Why would 6 billion people have the fly each year ? and only a few] people be perfectly healthy , it makes no sense.
I only think that christian fundamentalists are retarded.
That lowers the perrcentage of retarded christians to maybe 10% of all christians ;)
(well, as I apply this to nearly all fundamentalist religious people, this would mean that maybe 1 billion people are, by definition, retarded ;) )
Who said Christians are retarded?
It's the fundies that are retarded to the point where they think other believers are not Christians. They are a blot on the fair faces of intelligence and commonsense.
...the best you can come up with is an argument of majority? Like how the majority of america would've rather kept banning interracial marriages? Thank goodness for something called the supreme court, that could've sucked. Just because a lot of people believe in something stupid doesn't mean that it's any less stupid.
Because, like sheep, fundies are stupid. They're stupid enough to fall for that philosophical snake oil, thus they're sheeple. They follow each other like sheep. And they breed like sheep.
Whereas we Atheists are like wolves. We're intelligent. We think for ourselves. And we like to metaphorically hunt sheep & attack them. Ergo, FSTDT.
Anyone who believes that there is an invisible man living in the sky has element of "retardedness" about themselves.
Also, reality is not a democracy.
"If you people think Christians are so retarded..."
Strawman. I don't believe that most Christians are retarded... I would only say that about nutfucks like you.
"... let me ask you, Why would 2.1 billion christian people be?"
Why would they be what? If you're asking, "Why would they be Christian?" then my answer is, Because most of them lack sufficient knowledge of science, history, and ancient literature. Of course, some of them know that the Bible is mainly allegorical and simply remain nominal Christians. I would never call these people "retarded."
"deluded and only 1.1 billion people be perfectly sane, it makes no sense"
What makes no sense is this sentence. Care to rephrase that in proper English?
So, what about the remaining 3 billion or so people?
I mean, it's awfully hard to disprove your ignorance when you put it on display like that.
beepbeepcar123 must be a catholic since there are more Catholics than any other christian denomination and if we have to follow the majority then we should all be Catholics.
/me thinks beepbeepcar123 need a lesson in logic.
"Why would the 75% of the European population that believed in the curative power of Leeches be deluded, and only the remaining 25% be perfectly sane, it makes no sense"
There, fixed.
actually if you add in the Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and all the other random religious delusions, it's more like 5.5 billion somewhat delusional people.
It's because most people are stupid and/or ignorant.
Some people, like you, are both.
Here's how it should read:
If you people think Christians are so retarded, let me ask you: Why would 2.1 billion christian people be deluded and 4.62 billion people be perfectly sane? I t makes no sense.
And no, we only think that maybe a few hundred thousand of you are deluded.
There's one thing me and Fundies agree on. We both think most people who call themselves Christian really don't believe in it.
Specifically in America I think, as there's a stigma and reprecussions on announcing disbelief, best to pretend and avoid lectures and tantrums.
Adding to that, Christians count their Children when polled, something Dawkins pointed out as wrong. Children should only be counted in population and racial counts, political and religious affiliations are not established at birth
I'm guessing (based on other countries higher atheist rates, Canada has counted as high as 40% despite being 'married' to American culture) that maybe 40-50% of American adults really believe and most them aren't Fundie.
“Why would 2.1 billion christian people be? deluded and only 1.1 billion people be perfectly sane, it makes no sense”
Never been at a meeting where the fucking idiots outnumbered the sane people? Lucky you.
And just watching this election cycle, there doesn’t seem to be an upper limit for how much of the population can be fucking morons.
Real Men Wear Diapers? Yeesh.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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