Seeing the problem of gradual evolution with the fossil record, and the obvious abrupt appearances of species, Drs. Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge have formed the theory of punctuated equilibria. Punctuated equilibria, is, by example, a bird giving birth to a mammal, thus leaving no transitional fossils in the geological record.
Many top evolutionists disagree with this position. And punctuated equilibria has its problems, too. For instance, in the above case, of a bird bearing a mammal, another mammal of the same kind of the opposite sex must be born at the same approximate time in the same area in order for the new species to continue. The odds of just one organism appearing this way, let alone two fulfilling the circumstances above, are astronomical.
"The odds of just one organism appearing this way, let alone two fulfilling the circumstances above, are astronomical. "
Unfuckingbelievable. Do these people really believe the crap that they spout? 30 seconds on Google would have told him what punctuated equilibria actually is, but he decides to make up his own meaning. I'm wondering whether they are truly sane. They read the same words as the rest of us, but somehow manage to give them the opposite meaning.
No-one with the least bit of real knowledge of the theory of evolution has ever said anything as stupid as "a bird giving birth to a mammal"!
Species evolve, not individuals, btw.
"example, a bird giving birth to a mammal,"
The body of a man with the brain of a chicken. Mr Martin is a living example of this particular hybrid. Although I hate to think how his father impregnated his mother.
"Punctuated equilibria, is, by example, a bird giving birth to a mammal, thus leaving no transitional fossils in the geological record."
This is an example of a fundie combining total certitude with total ignorance.
For instance, in the above case, of a bird bearing a mammal
Birds are not the ancestors of mammals. Synapsids are. And in early synapsids you can see the beginnings of mammalian traits (such as the position of the ear bones gradually shifting) while still bearing reptilian traits.
(*Presses Tannoy microphone button *)
Paging Christian Bale. Would Christian Bale please go to the Professor Stanley Unwin Memorialdy Wordies Saladressingilodes Wardyhospitalides as a patient is out of not only his bed. And please bring your white coat, katana, guns & gun kata skills with you. [/"Equilibrium"] X3
It took me literaly a couple of seconds of using Google and a minute of reading Wikipedia to see for myself that it really doesn't work like that.
Seriously. It's like these people don't even know how to use Google and/or Wikipedia. Oh, wait. Wikipedia is filled with leftists' propaganda and can therefore not be trusted. Right.
Non-creationist: 'Here's a good idea: first learn the theory of evolution. Then criticize it.'
Creationist: 'Oh, like I'm going to learn about evolution and THEN write about it? Give me a break!'
Ahh, how cute, a fundie trying to talk about science.
No Punctuated Equilibrium is NOT a "bird giving birth to a mammal." It's simply an evolutionary model that hypothesizes RELATIVELY rapid periods of evolution interspersed with periods of RELATIVE stagnation. We're stills talking about periods of tens of millions of years.
Phyletic Gradualism on the other hand, of which Richard Dawkins is a proponent, hypothesizes RELATIVELY uniform evolution. This could still have spurts here and there if the conditions are right.
No, no, no!
Punctuated Equilibria does not mean the same thing in Fundiespeak as it does in English. In order to understand the above quote, you have to go back to the word origins according to the Fundie Language.
Pun: A play on words
Ctu: Son of Cthulhu
Ated: Past Pluperfect of "ate" "He ated his last meal." "The (deceased) beast that ated Cleveland."
Equi: From the Roman for, "horse."
Libria: Plural of, "library."
So you see, the Fundamentalist version of "Punctuated Equilibria" means, "An Old One who tells a joke, eats horse shit, and craps out a huge volume of words on a page."
A long way to the well, and not really worth it. Sorry.
"Punctuated equilibria, is, by example, a bird giving birth to a mammal, thus leaving no transitional fossils in the geological record."
And the winner of this week's "How Wrong is My Science" award is (drum roll) Kevin Martin! (and the crowd goes wild)
Seeing the problem of a loving God who hears prayers with everyday live, and the obviously unhelpful atrocities that have been allowed, Dr. Kevin Martin has formed the concept of spiritual assistance. Spiritual assistance is, by example, an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God giving you the strength to take abuse, instead of eliminating the abuse.
Many top theologians disagree with this position. And spiritual assistance has its problems, too. For insurance, in the above case, of God giving an individual the strength to take abuse, the abuser feels validated and may abuse others. To avoid being unfair, God would need to give equal assistance to all of the victims. Since it often happens that a subset of the victims break, [anon-e-moose]eat your paradox[/anon-e-moose].
Punctuated equilibria, is, by example, a bird giving birth to a mammal, thus leaving no transitional fossils in the geological record.
Completely and utterly WRONG!!!
Many top evolutionists disagree with this position.
No shit! All of them do since that's NOT WHAT PUNCTUATED EQUILIBRIA IS!!!
"Punctuated equilibria, is, by example, a bird giving birth to a mammal, thus leaving no transitional fossils in the geological record."
That isn't an example of puntuated equilibria, you ignoramus. No model of evolution predicts we ever see anything like a bird giving birth to a mammal.
Here's a hint: if you don't know what the hell you're talking about--you shouldn't be talking.
"Can't you people build a decent Strawman?"
No they can't but they don't have to as the flock will grasp at any straw, the reason they have these strawmen is that they don't have valid arguments so they create these ridiculous misunderstandings of the theory then suggest that's "right outta the scientists mouth".
Comfort, Ham and Hovind were informed years ago that this isn't a scientific claim of the process of change but a creationist strawman. I've seen them all continue to use it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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