Zyrros #fundie reddit.com

"Men like many types of women. Women like only one type of men": Explained

This statement (which is true) comes down to women only having 1 ideal value range for each facial/body trait in men meanwhile men have multiple ideal value ranges for women's traits.

Men have these ideal traits:

-Height: The taller the better.

-Frame: The wider the shoulders the better.

-Penis: The longer and thicker, the better.

-Eyebrows: Low set, long horizontally, thick and dark coloured.

-Eyes: Long papebral fissude, deep set eyeballs, positive canthal tilt, no eyelid exposure, horizontal lower eyelid, pressence of limbal rings.

-Cheekbones: High and portruding. Wide and flanged zygomatic bones.

-Browridge: Low and forward set.

-Mouth: Wide enough to reach the distance between pupils. Lower lip larger than upper lip.

-Nose: Width equivalent to approximately half of mouth width. No bulbous or very thin tip. No upwards point tip. Distance between mouth and nose (philtrum) should not excede 16 mm.

-Maxilla: Wide palate, position of moth more forward than the browridge.

-Jaw: Almost as wide as zygomatic bones but not wider, with around 100-110* gonial angle. Long ramus (or if ramus is not long, higher set ears)

-Chin: projecting, minimum having the same projection as your lips, square, defined and tall.

-Hair: thick, darkish coloured hair. Low and square hairline.

-Complexion: LEAN. This one is extremely funny since the popular belif is that women are put more pressure on being thin than men. WONG WRONG WRONG. Since male faces are based on angularity while women's on sof tissue, a woman facial aesthetics are much more resistant to fat than a man facial aesthetics. A difference between the attractiveness of the face of a woman from 12% to 18% body fat is almost nonexistant, meanwhile for a man is NIGHT AND DAY.
This is it. EVERYTHING that deviates from this will be for the worse, this is why there is only 1 type of men for women. Any facial trait is better the more its similar to this ideal, objectively. Thats why male model faces look so similar.

Thats why, too, as a man you can have death sentences. Retruded chin, eyes in which the eyeball portrudes further than the browridge, big eyelid exposure, low cheekbones are DEATH.

Meanwhile things like lower eyelid shape, eye narrowness, brow shape/thickness, height, jaw, chin... can have much much varied values in women without it resulting in a loss of attractiveness.

Think about it like: In men ALL differences in a same trait are either an upgrade or a downgrade. In a woman lots of differences between a same trait are just sidegrades.



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