Uh look at all the jelous BIOLOGICAL woman giving me one stars. Seriously?
you know your time is overdue. Men dont need you anymore.
Trannies are so much more beautiful than you "real" woman. Most of you are fat. You dont wear make up and high heels and you still think that man are after you? Ridiculous. seriously?
my girlfriend is better then every "real" woman out there. believe you me. Theres no fungus DOWN there, she doesnt bleed YUCK! she doesnt stink, she has absolutely no cellulite, no saggy ass NO saggy tits.
And when she cums all over my face, she asks me politely if shes allowed to lick it of.
Humble and submissive she is, not like you feminazis.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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