There is proof of God all around us... "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist or Christ-rejecter. God won't accept any excuses on Judgment Day. All the "proof" you need is outside your front door.
I have met countless skeptics and naysayers who demanded "proof" of the truth I attempted to share with them. It is sad and hypocritical that such people blindly accept the unproven theories of Evolution and the junk science of Global Warming; while simultaneously requiring documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of God's Word. Why the double standard? it just goes to show that such people hate the truth and you simply can't talk sense to them.
"This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist or Christ-rejecter."
Unless I have an iron chariot.
We have met countless skeptics and naysayers who demanded "proof" of the truth we attempt to share with them. It is sad and hypocritical that such people blindly accept the unproven theories of Goddiddit and the junk science of women wearing pants; while simultaneously requiring documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of observable reality. Why the double standard? it just goes to show that you hate the truth and we simply can't talk sense to you.
"the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen"
Invisible things that are seen?? Makes me feel sorta like Obelix in this exchange from Asterix and the Goths:
Obelix: "Where are we off to now?"
Asterix: "To the border! East, to the country of the Visigoths!"
Obelix: "So the Visigoths are goths from the east?"
Asterix: "No, the Visigoths are goths from the west. The goths from the east are Ostrogoths. But in relation to us, the goths from the west live in the east. You see?"
Obelix: "NO!"
This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist or Christ-rejecter.
Why would someone be frightened by reading something they flat-out don't believe is true? It would be like someone being terrified beyond comprehension by reading something by Stephen King.
"Look! See? *gestures to the air* Invisible proof! You can't in any way sense it, observe it or test its effects but that's just because it's invisible! Now will you admit that everything you can observe is all just a clever conspiracy by an evil, equally invisible spirit or will you continue to hypocritically maintain your standards?"
This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist
Why? I don't believe in the Koran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, or Dianetics either. What makes you think that since I don't believe in your holy book, I should be scared when it says that people like me who use their brains are going to be tortured for eternity?
There is no double standard, Kiddydiddler. We require documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of God's Word, just as we require the same thing about evolution and Global Climate Change. The last two have provided, we are just waiting for proof of God's word.
We don't think there is just one "the truth", but that it changes over time and depends on the context.
I, like most atheists, don't want no stinking proof, we are perfectly happy knowing that psychopaths use Bible God and His book of nonsense to justify their degeneracies. And if you're now trying to say that reality is the proof of Bible God then you're as desperate as a malignant sex beast with only enough brain cells to control dampness, thereby allowing dribbling to take place.
I just looked outside my front door and saw my doormat. It has a hedgehog on it. I didn't realize God was a hedgehog, but I'm feeling a little more favorable towards him, now that I'm aware.
I am a professed atheist Pedoman, & your bible means nothing to me. It's nothing but a collection of social mores & dietary restrictions, along with creation myths that were stolen from nearby tribes or cultures & used to scare people to keep them in line, while conning them into coughing up their money or teenage daughters. Now it's taken on a life of its own, but it's still the same collection of unsubstantiated assertions, or as we call it here in the real world, a colossal pile of shit.
So fuck you, & fuck your bible, Pedo.
This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist or Christ-rejecter.
Ok, let's do this: first you develope a fear of Voldemort and then I'll consider being afraid of your bad-ass deity.
It is sad and hypocritical that David Fuckhead Stewart blindly accepts a book God did not actually have a hand in the creation of as His Word because it says it is; while simultaneously requiring documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of the existing documented, irrefutable, incontestable proof of Evolution and Global Warming that he is pretending does not exist. Why the double standard? it just goes to show that David Fuckhead Stewart hates the truth and you simply can't talk sense to him.
Fixed that for you.
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen"
Invisible walls you can run through! All around me!
"All the "proof" you need is outside your front door."
Outside my front door I can see a man working for the council mowing a patch of grass. Does this mean that God likes tidy and organised lawns? If so, why does he allow woodland and natural habitats to remain unkempt?
"It is sad and hypocritical that such people blindly accept the unproven theories of Evolution and the junk science of Global Warming; while simultaneously requiring documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of God's Word. Why the double standard?"
Just because you refuse to accept the evidence of scientific theories, it doesn't mean that there is none. You are not the judge of reliable evidence. You're just unhappy that we don't take the words from one piece of contradictory, unreliable, inconsistent scripture as gospel, as proven by your refusal to give us a reason to consider your God as plausible. No evidence other than appeals to aesthetics, whilst trying to hide the more unpleasant nature of what would be God's creation.
. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist"
Nope. No quivering here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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